12. Memories Of The Past

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When I woke up I saw sun rays coming in through the small barred window. I was unable to pull myself up as something heavy and warm was wrapped around me. I turned around and saw that it was Jacob's arm. Probability was that, I would have been freezing at night and so, he would have warmed me up. I love him! He's my personal blanket.
I kissed his forehead lightly. He moved, blinked and rubbed his eyes and finally woke up.
"Good morning Jake!", I said as cheerfully as I could. He looked at me but didn't reply. Instead, made a bad face, stood up and walked out of the room.
Okay. So he was still angry with me. He was going to make me suffer.
I rushed out of the room and into the clearing in front of the tower as fast as I could. Everyone was ready to go. The wolves had already shifted, enjoying the every bit of power, they had by this time.
"Morning Nessie.", Edmund said, smiling hugely, walking over to me.
"Morning Edmund.", I replied with a smile.
"Ready to go?", he asked.
I nodded.
"I should better go and inform others.", I replied.
But Edmund grabbed me from the hand, waiting for something.
"Wait!", he said.
I looked at him confused.
"Everything's fine Edmund. Are you alright?", I asked.
"No, there's a vampire in the woods, I can sense his negativity.", he replied, with the same look on his face.
He was right, I could hear his feeble footsteps, making way through the woods. By this time, everyone knew that we had an unexpected guest.
The vampire finally got nearer and showed himself. Shockingly, it was Uncle Emmett!
"Thank God, I found you people.", said Uncle Emmett.
"Emmett!", exclaimed Dad, "How did you find us?"
"Wavell mentioned that you were here. So I freed myself up with whatever power I had and telling others that I'll bring your help, I started the search. Now I am so glad that I have found you.", Uncle Emmett, all but replied.
"That's great Uncle..."
Edmund grabbed my hand again.
"Stop!", he cautioned once again.
"What is it now, Edmund?", I asked him.
"He's not Emmett.", he replied, looking at me.
"What do you mean by he's not Emmett? He looks very much fine to me.", I said giving a quick look to Uncle Emmett.
"No, he isn't fine. Can't you sense this negativity from him?", he asked again.
"Yeah I can, but I think it's because of the island.", I replied.
By this time, the wizards had joined us.
"No. This kind of negativity generally comes from a replicator.", replied Edmund, still thinking.
"Henry Campbell?", said Hermione and me in chorus.
Edmund nodded.
"I should go and better inform others.", I said.
"No!", Edmund stopped me, "Let everything go as it is. He knows where your family is. We should follow him.", he continued.
"I don't get it Edmund.", I replied, a bit confused, "You know about my family. Then why should we follow him? I can't risk other people's lives."
"Trust me on this Renesmee. I know what I am doing.", he confessed.
After a long thought, I nodded.
Just as I was going to follow others, I saw Jacob, staring us. He had listened to that every word that Edmund had said to me. His brown eyes were red with anger. He turned around, increased his pace, to tackle with Henry.
"No Jacob, wait. Stop!", I yelled and followed him. He didn't listen to me, rather increased his pace.
"Jake please. You listened to us, right? Then please don't spoil the plan.", I requested him, keeping up with his pace.
He stopped, looked at me again with those eyes.
"Please.", I almost pleaded him.
The redness from his eyes faded. This showed that he was in the plan with us.
"Thanks.", I said, with a big smile in my face. He produced a low grunting sound at the back of his throat and continued walking. I gave a quick look to Edmund. He nodded. I joined Jacob then.
Henry, transformed into Uncle Emmett started leading our way through the forest. It was quite a long walk, as we had started in the morning and it was noon now, sun directly overhead. The Vampires and the Wolves had attained their maximum powers. Even half my part, having vampire powers, felt strong than usual.
I used to give time to time looks to Edmund. He ensured that everything was working according to his plan. But the thought that Uncle Emmett in front of others was actually a replicator, Henry Campbell, never drained out of my brain. It was becoming quite difficult for me to attain that self control. Ironically, I was teaching Jacob, self control, a few hours ago!
Finally we reached the Totem Hill. It had started to show its effect on vampires and werewolves. They had started to get weak. Now Henry stopped and turned around.
"Wait here.", he said, and walked away into the forest.
I knew that the time had come now. Edmund nodded.
"Let's go now.", I told others.
"But Nessie, Emmett asked us to wait here.", Dad reminded.
"We're going Dad.", I replied and started walking. Edmund followed me and so did Jacob.
Surprised at my behaviour, others kept standing for a while, but then decided to continue with us.
After an another mile of the hike over the mountain, I saw strange poles, on the mountain peak. As I got nearer to them, I saw Aunt Alice and others were tied to these poles!
"Look Edmund!", I all but shouted.
"We're now on the top of the Totem Hill.", he replied.
"Mom-Dad, there's Aunt Alice and others!", I shouted increasing my pace. Others following me.
"Aunt Alice!", I shouted standing at the fringe of the area enclosed by the poles.
She looked in my direction, and others did that as well. There was an extraordinary gleam in their eyes.
"Renesmee!", said Aunt Alice in a broken voice.
"I am coming to free you from these ropes.", I said, and advanced.
"Not too fast, half-immortal", an another voice echoed through the hill. I looked around but saw no one. We waited for the arrival of this unwanted guest. And so, Elizabeth stepped out of the forest and into the clearing of the poles.
"If you want to rescue your family, you'll have to fight me.", she said
I kept calm and then passed a smile in her direction.
"Sorry Elizabeth, but this time, I have some surprise.", I said, keeping the same expression on my face. I waited for her reply but she seemed confused. I could easily read the confusion on her eyes.
I stepped back and allowed Edmund to come in front. As soon as she saw him, her eyes blotted out.
"Ed..Edmund!", she exclaimed joyfully and started walking towards him.
But Edmund raised his hand to stop her. This confused her more. The vivid calculations of this condition started in her brain and when the brain gave her the answer, she threw an angry expression on me.
"How dare you?", she retorted out.
"Don't blame her Elizabeth. Helping her to stop you is totally my decision.", replied Edmund.
"Why will you stop me Edmund? I am just taking my kingdom back. There's nothing wrong in it.", she replied.
"C'mon sister. Are you blind? Have you ever wondered that how Wavell will return your kingdom to you after you hand them over to him?", Edmund asked her.
"He has promised me my kingdom. If he will break his promise, I'll have his throat for this.", she replied with clenched teeth.
"Sister, you'll get nothing by keeping them here.", replied Edmund.
"Cut out the emotional blackmail Edmund. I know you're saying this because my shield is all around the hill.", she replied.
"I am sorry sister, but now I am going to break your bubble.", he replied.
Once again, confusion covered her face. Edmund stepped forward. He walked into the circle of poles effortlessly. Elizabeth stared with her eyes open. Edmund looked at Elizabeth, with his eyebrows raised.
"Huh! So what? I always knew that you can break through my shield. But what about others?", she asked.
Edmund looked at me. I stepped forward. Jacob followed me as well until we reached the circle of poles, effortlessly.
"What's happening?", she asked herself, furiously.
Once again, calculations started in her head.
"I can't believe it Edmund! You used spell on your own sister for the sake of an another person!", she said furiously.
"You know me Elizabeth. I always favor truth.", Edmund replied calmly.
"Oh! I see. You'll support her. Alright then. But remember brother, I was doing this for us. Bur now, you won't get a single penny from me.", she replied and then stopped.
She stepped forward and then said again.
"As you are true to your promise brother, I am true to my promise. You'll have to fight me to get them out of here."
"As you wish sister.", said Edmund and then he was ready with his wand.
"Wait Edmund!", I said. He turned towards me.
"You have done enough for me, Edmund. I am here, to fight for my family. I'll fight.", I said.
Jacob gave me a furious look. I knew that he didn't want me to fight alone.
"But Renesmee...."
"Please Edmund, it's about my family. And if Elizabeth's fighting alone, I'll also fight alone.", I replied. He continued looking at me.
"Please.", I said again.
Finally, he nodded.
When I came in front, face to face with Elizabeth, she passed a crooked smile in my direction. I kept calm. This made her furious. There was anger, deep in her black eyes.
"You can steal away my shield, my brother, but you can't steal my kingdom.", she retorted.
And then without any warning, she pulled her wand in my direction and said, "Petrificous totalus!"
I was now used to these fast coming spells. I swiftly got my wand out and said, "Expelliarmus!"
Both the blazing light stroke each other and cancelled out each other's effects.
"Wavell had told me that you are dangerous. Let me see how much.", she said.
"Right now, you've caught just a glimpse of what's coming next for you.", I replied.
"We'll see.", she said, "Accio!", she said again.
I dodged the blazing light and rushed to the pole where Aunt Alice was tied.
She furiously said again, "Expelliarmus!"
The blazing light, directly hit the chains which tied Aunt. She was free now, while I dodged to Grandpa's pole. She did it again. I kept on doing this until everyone was free. All of them got up and went to stand at the back with Mum and Dad.
Elizabeth was furious like anything, while I displayed a crooked smile in her direction.
Actually, I was giving time to Edmund to complete his shield breaking spell. There was some shield still left on Elizabeth.
I looked at Edmund. He nodded in negative. He was unable to break the shield.
Suddenly it occurred to me that my magic worked past shields. Elizabeth, furious as she was started advancing in my direction.
I swiftly said, "Expelliarmus!"
It made her wand, fly out of her hands. It made her stop and think that how my magic was working across her shield.
I said again, "Bombardo!"
The white light just stroked in front of her. It made her to jump and she went flying at a great distance and landed back on her chest. When the smoke cleared, we saw her lying unconsciously.
I drew my wand back and turned back with an extra large simile on my face, on seeing my family together.
I rushed to meet all of them. I saw Edmund, still standing there and staring continuously towards her sister. How so ever cruel she was, she was his sister. And you just can't turn your face away from your family. Finally he moved back to join us.
"Thanks Edmund, we couldn't have done this without your help.", I said to Edmund.
"Your welcome. At least you got your family back.", he said to me.
Aunt Alice and others were looking at him confused.
"This is Edmund, Aunt Alice.", I said, "He helped us to get to you."
Aunt Alice and others also showed their gratitude to him. He humbly accepted all the thanks.
"Now what?", I asked Dad.
"Let's get you back to the tower.", replied Edmund. All of us agreed and started for the tower. We had loads of things to tell to Aunt Alice and others.

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