Chapter 9

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The week goes by in a blur. I didn't see Laura anymore since Monday evening, but we called one another every night before heading to bed. We had plans to meet up the weekend, but Friday night she had promised a few girls from school that she would go to the outdoor movie with them.

I decided that I would go too, just to see her. Even if I couldn't actually talk to her or touch her. She had told me that they decided to walk there rather than drive, so they'd be seated on the bleachers. So I planned the same thing with all the boys for that evening.

After work, I headed home and grabbed a shower before getting ready to head out that evening. I wasn't sure if I was going to end up coming home or not, as maybe Laura and I would somehow manage to sneak off and head back to her house. So I made sure I looked good for her.

We left our house to walk to the field a little earlier because Dally and Soda decided that they wanted to buy some beer to bring with us. Typical Sally and Soda, but I didn't object either, I picked up an eight pack for myself.

When we arrived, Laura and her friends weren't there yet. Me and my boys all sat at the top of the bleachers, I was trying to keep to myself, especially since we snuck beer in. But, as usual, the rest of the boys really didn't care. They were being their rambunctious selves.

What felt like an eternity of hearing the boys get on with nonsense, I finally lay eyes on my Angel. It makes me forget about everyone and everything around me, instead I just focus on her and take her in. She looks beautiful, as always. Tonight she has her hair curled and some makeup on, she's wearing skinny jeans with a purple tube top. She isn't wearing a bra either, I can see her nipples right through it. I feel myself getting excited just by seeing this— I think about sucking on them again... I wonder if she still has love marks all over them from when we were together Monday evening? Maybe I'll find out for myself later...

When she makes eye contact with me, she bites her lip seductively and smiles towards me. I give her a smirk back, that little minx. She knows what she does to me, and she purposely worse a tight shirt with no bra. She knew the impact it would have on me. I just want to take her home and ravish her all night long.

I'm awoken from my daydream by the sound of whistling coming on the side of me. It's Dally, go figure. And, he gets up and goes straight down to meet the girls as they walk towards the bleachers. We can overhear their conversation.

"Hello beauties, would you like to join me and my friends up there? I can promise you a good time during and after the movie." Dally said. Wow Dallas, smooth, real smooth. He really was an idiot, if I haven't already said it ten thousand times before.

My girl doesn't say a thing, instead just keeps her head down without making eye contact with him. Her redhead friend however speaks up, "Thanks but no, thanks. We wouldn't associate ourselves with people like you if our lives depended on it. Now, get out of our way and let us sit down."

Dallas walked back towards us while we all laughed at how the redhead had told him off. It was pretty good I must say, that's what he needed. Before the movie started, a group of girls walked up towards us in the bleachers. It was Mindy and her crew. Shit, I didn't think about that they would probably be here. And, Laura doesn't even know that I've slept with this girl. She will probably know before Mindy leaves, though, especially if our encounter is anything like it was on Monday evening. As I see them approaching, I look at the boys and say, "who the fuck invited her?" Not bothering to hide my anger.

Steve pipes up and says, "well, she asked me what we were doing this evening. I couldn't lie to her. Besides, she seemed excited to see you, Darry. So I just assumed you had spoken to her or hooked up with her since she got back."

I didn't have a chance to respond before Mindy and her girlfriends ran up the bleachers towards us. When she reached the top, she didn't even acknowledge the rest of the guys. Instead, she said, "Hey Darry... I was expecting to hear from you after our run in on Monday. But since I didn't, I figured this was a great place to see you. And, as always, we will all head back to your place after the movie for the after party," a little too loudly. As she said this, she moved towards me and rubbed her hand up my right arm. I was clenching with anger, I was beyond mad that Laura had to find out about us this way.

Without hiding my irritation I said, "well, you know Mindy, typically when you don't hear from someone there is a reason." After I said this, I looked behind Mindy to see Laura staring right up at me. She looked hurt and confused. Probably confused because I told her they were all just fucks, which they were, but Mindy tended to think it was more.

"Oh Darry, you've always had such a strange sense of humour," she laughed as she sat right on the side of her and rubbed her hand on my thigh. Then, she leaned in and whispered, "Don't worry Darry, not everyone needs to know if we hook up tonight. I'm fine with that." The movie was beginning, so instead of responding, I glared at her. She took the hint and moved away from me slightly and took her hand off my thigh.

When the movie pauses for a commercial, Laura and her girlfriends get up, heading to either use the bathroom or get more food. And, so does Mindy and her crew. I don't really pay attention to it until I see some Soc boys sit where Laura and her girlfriends were sitting. When Laura and her friends return, I expect the redhead to be angry or say something to them. Instead, she giggles and asks what they are doing there. One of the boys responded with, "we saw some cute girls over here all alone, so we figured you could use some company." The redhead responds by telling them that they'd love the company. There are three girls including Laura and three boys. I really don't like where this is going.

Laura ends up being seated closest to the walk way of the bleachers, with only the brunette guy to her left. I'm not ecstatic about it, but I know Mindy will probably come back up and sit next to me again. And, of course, she does. Mindy keeps trying to talk to me during the movie, but I tune her out, instead I'm just watching Laura and the guy sat only a few bleachers in front of me. He puts his arm around her, which Laura tries to play off, but he seems to be insistent. After a while, I think that maybe he is getting the hint that she doesn't want him to touch her, but instead he begins rubbing her back and moving his hand southward towards her bottom. I feel the angry building up in side me. I watch as Laura grabs his hands and tells him off, and secretly sending a glance my way. That's my girl.

Once that had settled down, and I had felt more comfortable. Mindy begins to annoy me. She is trying to talk to me. Would it kill her to take a hint? Out of nowhere, she brings her hand over my junk, squeezes and says, "you don't have to act interested. If you want me to suck it or ride it, just tell me." Now, I was fuming. Without causing too much of a disturbance, I look at her and say, "Listen Mindy, in case I haven't made it clear, I am not interested in you anymore. I'm not interested in fucking you or being friends with you. Now, please take a hint and leave me and my dick alone. Goodbye." I say harshly before getting up and angrily walking down the bleachers.

I decide to head to the bathroom before heading home. As I walk out of the bathroom, there is my angel.

"Laur? What are you doing?" I ask as she jumps in front of me and hugs me.

"I saw what happened there, between you and that girl. I just wanted to tell you thank you for respecting me. Besides, Dustin was trying to get too close to me as well. I'm ready to go home, if you are, that is." She tells me. And, it's like music to my ears.

"Yes baby, I didn't want you to find out that way. And I know, I was ready to kill that fucker, but I'm proud of my girl for fending him off herself. Going home and cuddling with you sounds amazing right about now." I tell her as I lean in for a short kiss on the lips. We then leave hand in hand and walk towards her house.

On our walk, I tell her briefly about Mindy and I. I tell her the basics, that we were friends with benefits for about a year (on and off). It was never anything more serious, and both of us oftentimes hooked up with others while we were "seeing" each other. Mindy never really seemed to care about me or our friendship until recently. She had returned to town after leaving with a guy six months ago, and she was suddenly adamant of having sex with me. Thankfully, Laura understood and didn't seem to be threatened at all. Which I was glad, considering the fact that I knew no one was competition for her.

Once we got to her house, I was surprised to see that all the lights were off except for the one outside the back door. Laura must have sensed my confusion because before I could even ask, she said "Dad's gone to the bar with a few of his old friends. So he emphasized the fact that he didn't want me coming home alone. He told me that you would come back with me."

"You know I would, princess. Anything for you." I said as I kissed her forehead, and we slipped inside the house. We both grabbed a bottle of water each, and went downstairs to watch a movie with the surround system her dad had recently gotten installed.

Not surprising, we didn't pay attention much to the movie. I kissed Laura, which she returned, and then it quickly advanced into a heated make out session. It felt like a matter of minutes, and Laura was naked in front of me. Meanwhile, I was touching every part of her body that I possibly could, making it my goal to show how good I could make her feel. I was surprised when I felt her grabbing my length through my jeans. I couldn't help but moan, I've dreamt of her touching my cock. Now, it was going to become a reality.

She began trying to undo my pants, which she was failing at. So I helped her by reaching down and undoing my button, so she could haul down my pants and touch me. She hesitatingly reached down and put her hand in my underwear, putting her hand around my cock. I groaned. She looked at me through her lashes, almost asking me what to do next. So, I shrugged off my jeans and underwear. And showed her what to do by moving her hand up and down my length. With her first jerk, I sucked in a breath. Fuck, this is even better than I imagined. While she continued to please me, I fingered her. I only used one finger, too afraid that I'd hurt her and ruin the mood if I tried to use anymore. I decided that I wanted to give her another treat, so I slowly kissed my way down her body. Until I reached her sweet spot, her untouched flower. I kissed the insides of her thighs and sucked on them, then slowly made my way to her core. As soon as I touched her with my lips, she was a moaning mess under me. I began to jerk myself off, feeling hot and overcome by her reaction to my mouth. I could feel her twitching and I knew she would orgasm any moment. And when she finally threw her head back and screamed out loudly, I ate up everything she had to offer me. Then I hovered back over her, while still stroking my cock. I took her hand and brought it back to my cock, and she instantly took it and starting jerking me off. It only took a few minutes before I started to cum. I blew my load all over Laura's boobs and stomach. It was definitely a sight to see. Right after I came, I let out a few hard breaths, then kissed her passionately.

I arose, and said "Stay here, I'm going to get something to clean you up, okay?" She didn't respond, she seemed to be in a post-orgasm haze. I returned with a towel and cleaned Laur up. Wow, I had done a job on her. She was full of love bites. On her breast, on her stomach, and on her thighs. I made sure to only put them in intimate places, so she could avoid being asked questions.

"That was amazing, baby. I've been thinking about you touching me since the first time I saw you." I told her.

She blushed, and asked, "wow, does it feel like that every time?"

I responded with, "only with you, Laur." And then kissed her lips, then her forehead.

Then Laura and I both redressed ourselves and lid on the couch to actually watch our movie. I guess we lost track of things, because I didn't remember a single part of the movie. Instead, we both dozed off to sleep shortly after cuddling up.

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