Chapter 10

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"Rise and shine, kids!" Was how Laur and I were woken up the next morning. We seemed to have lost track of time last night, and we both fell asleep together on the couch. Despite being on a couch, it was one of the first times I couldn't recall awakening multiple times throughout the night.

As a response, Laur groaned and cuddled into me more. Meanwhile, I almost jumped up, but glad I didn't. I realized that I had morning wood, so it really wouldn't have made matters any better if I jumped up right now.

"Oh god, John. I am so sorry. I guess we both fell asleep while we were watching a movie. It won't happen again, I promise you." I desperately said. I already knew Laur was out of my league, I really didn't want her dad to dislike me; otherwise, that'd be another reason for her to not be with me.

I was surprised when John laughed aloud, "Ah, I was young and in love once too. Besides, I trust you, Darry." He paused and winked at me, then continued with, "whenever sleeping beauty decides to get up, I have breakfast cooked upstairs for you both." And, before I had a chance to respond, he headed back up the stairs.

What a relief. I was really unsure as to why John trusted me as much as what he did, but I would make sure to do anything to not break that trust. I wanted him to like me and feel comfortable when Laur was with me. Speaking of which, I should probably try to get her up.

"Laur... It's time to get up, princess." I murmur, as I rub her thigh. Instead of getting up, she flips herself over on top of me, and let's out a stretch.

"Mmmm.." is the only response I get from her as she continues to snuggle me. Meanwhile, she really is adding fire to the flame with my erection.

"Laura, we really need to get up. Your dad just caught us sleeping together downstairs, and he apparently has cooked us breakfast, so we need to go upstairs." I tell her, more sternly this time, in hopes of getting a reaction.

"Ugh, Darry, just lie here for a few minutes with me." She tells me rather than asking.

It doesn't take her long, once she begins to wake up, to feel my erection. How we are lid, her mouth is nearby my ear, and she lightly moans as she gravitates her hips against mine. I instantly grab her hips to stop her, as much as I loved the feeling, this really was not the time.

"Laura... please stop. I don't want to make a bad impression. Please let me up, so I can at least go upstairs with your father, you can stay down here and continue to sleep if you like." I tell her. I refuse to risk our relationship because of our hormones.

"Fine, I'm getting up." She said while she yawned.

—After lunch—

I decide to head home and spend some time with my boys. As I walk in through the door, I'm greeted by Dally.

"Ah, well, if it isn't Darry Curtis doing the walk of shame." Dally announces as I get inside.

I laugh and respond, "it isn't like that."

This seems to peek Steve's interest as he piped up, "Not like that? Hm, it seems like someone might be pussy whipped."

I roll my eyes instead of responding. I walk to the bathroom and decide to take a shower before hanging out with the boys.

After I'm dressed and ready to take on the day, I go out to see all the guys sat around the table watching television. And, when I turn my head, I see Mindy and another girl sat on my couch. I'm instantly enraged, looking at her. She disgusted me before, but now I couldn't stand to be in her presence. Especially because she tried to force herself on me after I had told her I wasn't interested.

She watched me as I walked out of my room, once I made it to the table with the boys she spoke up.

"Where did you take off to last night, Darry? You didn't even say goodbye to me." Mindy pouted.

"It's none of your business, Mindy." I stated gruffly. The atmosphere was tense and uncomfortable, and the boys definitely sensed it because they were all looking at me with wide eyes.

"God, it was just a question. No need to get your panties in a twist." She said. Of course, she always wanted to have the last word. It was frustrating, who the hell had invited her anyway?

"And I gave you an answer to that question. Don't insult me in my own home. If you don't like my answer, then you can leave." I told her, getting more rude by the minute.

Finally, Mindy took the hint and shut up. She whispered away to the friend on side of her, whose name I still did not know.

I was expecting the boys to bombard me with questions about my "mystery girl" any minute.

"Speaking of last night, who were you with? Just a hook-up, or something else we should be aware of? I mean, it isn't every day that Darry Curtis takes an interest in a girl." Steve says.

"Ah, you guys will know when the time is right. Besides, right now it isn't as serious as what you all think." I said. I knew what I said wasn't right, I was very serious about Laura, and I prayed she was as serious about me. The only issue is I didn't want the boys pestering me or trying to figure out who it was.

Sodapop jumped in and said, "Didn't think I would see the day when Darry's smitten with a gal." He smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Well boys, are we just going to sit here and talk about me all day? Or are you going to go to the takeout and get some milkshakes?"

—At the Restaurant—

Once we all arrived at the restaurant, we all scooted to the largest booth that was available.

It was nice to catch up with the guys, I feel like when I'm with them physically these days I'm not there mentally. So I make sure to actually be here with them today. I learn plenty: Pony has been excelling in school — no surprise there; Dally had his first three sum — said he's never going back to normal sex; and, poor Johnny had his ass whopped by his dad again — that son of a bitch.

I was doing well- I was listening and engaging with them. Then I totally zoned out when I heard a table behind us say Laura's name. I didn't catch what was said first, but I know I heard them say Laura Vokey. So without turning my head and making it obvious, I decide to lean back and listen in. 

"I know, man. I just don't know what else to do? Brittany has been giving me advice, but it seems like nothing I do will interest her." Said one guy, he was clearly pissed.

"I don't know, brother, you know how girls are on our side. Uptight and prissy until they finally get their cherry popped." Stated one idiot.

Then another voice butted in, "Yeah, but Laura is even more innocent than most virgins, we all know that. Since her mother died, her father has protected from everything bad in this world. Hell, she probably wouldn't even know what to do with a penis." The guys shared a laugh around the table. Darry smirked as he knew his girl knew what to do with his dick, even if he didn't like the fact they were talking about her in such a sexual way. Besides, no one other than Darry was going to take her virginity, he decided. 

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