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Hey people, I just wanted to check in and say I'm planning a new story. A fan fiction of a certain love triangle in the Spanish drama, Elite (Kind of Season 3 spoilers but not really). I'm highly excited to write this one- 

The last thing I wanted to say was... I'm taking this story to an end, and this is one of the last parts. I know how I want to end it.. and the ending will probably be the next part! It likely will be, I feel like this has been dragged left and right, but you guys have been my motivation. 

Thanks for your attention my loves- enjoy. x


Just as we made it to my sister, I felt sick. My thoughts were whirling, and if it weren't for Hope's steady hands, I probably would've fainted. 
Josie laid as still as a statue in her bed- her eyelids didn't flutter, and her hands looked like they weighed a ton. 

Penelope was sat by her side, clutching the ghost of a girls hand, and Dad was there to, weeping quietly at her other side. 
In the chaos of our arrival, my hand flew to cover my mouth in shock. 
I didn't notice in the first five seconds, but another dark haired girl was there, shaded in the corner- I had no idea who she was, but I had seen her with Hope in our dorm room. Perhaps they were friends or something. 

"Oh my god." Mumbled Hope from behind me, who stumbled back a few steps in her grief. 
"Jo-" I sobbed, staggering towards my sister. I perched next to Penelope. She had never looked so broken. 

For the first time in my life, I felt like half of my limbs had been stolen violently from my body. I felt Hope crawl up to my side, rubbing her hand gently up and down Josie's leg. 
"I need a knife." She announced finally, wiping the tears from her eyes. She gazed around the room with a slight nod, but nobody seemed to go through with her request. 

"I can save her." She spoke confidently, rolling her shoulders back as if she owned the place. "Do you want her to die or not?" She snapped, shooing Mg out of the door to get her the sharp object. 
"What makes you think you can save her?" I questioned with longing eyes, facing the shorter girl. I took a deep breath, watching her eyes scan around the room. I wasn't too sure if she really could now. 

"Trust me, Lizzie." Replied Hope, placing her hand on mine, squeezing gently in reassurance. I sniffed softly, gulping nervously- a part of me trusted her immediately. But I didn't know if my heart or my head was telling the truth. 

We all sat there in silence for the short while Mg was away, Penelope placing a soft kiss on my sisters forehead. 
"Here." Said a voice from behind us, as Mg handed Hope the knife, who took it in a hurry. I gently pulled Penelope out of the way so Hope could get better access. She jerked out of her my grip slightly, before willingly following my movement. 

"Come on Jo." I just heard Hope murmur, with a slight hiss at the cold metal slicing down her skin. Once the blood was visible, in a swift movement, she hovered her hand in hesitation over Josie's lips. Her nervous lip bite said much more then she wanted. After shutting her eyes for a brief moment, the blood dripped onto the brunettes mouth, waiting for entrance through her lips. 

I felt like I was going to have a heart attack, watching with my body shaking with anticipation and hope that would work.  After a agonizing 10 seconds, Josie began to flinch her lips open, struggling to get a hold of the life saving liquid. 
"Josie." Hope said quickly, frantically leaning in to get a better look at her face. 
"Hm." Josie mumbled in reply, turning her head to look at Penelope and I. "Lizzie." She chocked, attempting to get up. Hope moved out of the way, seeming to growl over at the girl in the corner of the room. 

I didn't pay any attention after that, scrambling to nest my sister into the embrace of my arms. I felt daddy lunge forward, as the three of us were soon bundled into a big bush of hugs and kisses. Dad chuckled with relief, while I somehow ended up in the middle of the bunch. 
"Guys- you're crushing me."
"I'm the tallest, why am I in the middle-"
"Can you two just stop whining."
"At least one of us isn't dead." I remarked, whacking my dad's shoulder playfully. 
"Yeah, and no thanks to you." I gasped, throwing a hand to my heart in offense. Josie chuckled softly, letting dad pull back, perching at the end of the bed. 

I took advantage of the fact he became distracted by Mg, Penelope joining them, and crawled over my sisters body, so I could spoon her. Instead when I hooked my arm around her stomach, she rolled over like a whale so we were face to face. 
"So, how'd it go?"
"How'd what go?"
"Your date with Hope dummy." She teased. 
"1, it wasn't a date," I snapped, narrowing my eyebrows at her in annoyance. "And 2, it was fine. Nothing special. Besides, shouldn't you be worried about getting better? Not your sisters love life." 

"Oh come on, details Lizzie. You come first, not a result of some stupid Siren shooting me." Josie urged. "You clearly like her, and she obviously likes you back."
"Enough, Josie. She could hear you."
"I want her to."



That night I slept comfortably. That was until I jerked awake from my head screaming at me. The noise of my thoughts was enough to get up and drown my face in cold water. I stared up into the mirror. The colour had come back to my cheeks, but my body blurted out I needed another decent 5 hours of sleep. 
With a exhausted groan, I made my way back to bed, slipping like a caterpillar under the warm sheets. 
It didn't take me long to fall back into my imagination. Except this time, it was different. 

I saw Hopes face. Smiling at me. Lizzie was behind me, holding a right out cold stoned look on her face. 

"I had a crush on you."
"You had a crush on me?" 
"Of course I did," I paused. "Who wouldn't?"

I groaned, screamed, even, to get the images out of my head. 

"But, I won't come back.. if my being here. Brings you anymore pain."
"I want you to stay." 

They varied between smiles, cries, and even a cry pile. Hope was always laid in the middle- she was the strongest and tiniest being, it always made me smile. 
The next one was Hope at Miss Mystic Falls, Hope, Josie and I fighting a giant mutant spider, Hope everything. I even got glimpses of Hope kissing Lizzie- it all seemed so impossible. 

"Hope, Andrea, Mikaelson." I muttered breathlessly, propping myself up onto my elbows. I was speechless. We used to know her... she was with Lizzie, but how.

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