◇• Chapter One •◇

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Souda jolted awake, clutching his chest as he sat up in his bed. His heart raced as he gasped for air, meager breaths escaping his lips.
'It.. was just a dream..' he tried to remind himself when his consciousness had fully returned, gazing blurrily out his window into the cool night sky. '..just a.. nightmare.'
With a shaky sigh, Souda lay back down in his bed, staring up at the ceiling of his room. The dream- the nightmare- had seemed so real though.. it left him shaken up as he contemplated its meaning.
Soon the boy fell back into an uneasy sleep, his stomach left in a seemably untiable knot.


The next morning Kazuichi opened his sleepy eyes to the sun gleaming bright through his window, groaning as he propped his body up with an elbow. It might have taken him a minute, but he groggily began to recall his dream, and the waking up in a cold sweat earlier in the night.
Souda furrowed his brow, trying to shake the memory out of his head, but he couldn't seem to. 'The details.. are seeming to slowly slip out of mind..' he thought, frantically trying to remember every last thing that had happened. 'All of it.. w- was so confusing.. i need to understand..-'
He would have brainstormed all morning if it wasn't for the buzzing of his phone against the intable beside his bed. Kazuichi looked over inquiretively, reaching to see what was up. As he picked up the device, Souda sucked in his breath, cringing guiltily. Hung over his lockscreen was notification after notification, and he panicked more and more as he scrolled through them all.

Sonia Nevermind: 12 Missed Calls
Sonia Nevermind: 8 New Messages
Gundham Tanaka: 4 Missed Calls
Gundham Tanaka: 16 New Messages
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu: 2 Missed Calls

'Wh- what's this-?!' he wondered. 'They never blow up my phone in the morning..'
Still half asleep, Souda decided to text back Sonia, since he could count on her usually. 'What's wrong?' he wrote, very concerned and confused.
Kazuichi's phone began to buzz as Sonia called him back, almost immediately. He sighed, picking up the line.
"Hello-" Souda was cut off by the princess, which was unusual.
"Kazuichi-kun! Finally.. haha.. Please excuse my behavior right now, I was merely worried for you."
Souda smiled, glad to hear his friend's voice. "Yeah.. but why-? It's only.. 7:17- school doesn't start 'til 8 o clock."
Sonia giggled. "I knew you'd forget, silly! Our class.. was supposed to meet early today. For the performance assembly..?"
His eyes widened, all the sleepiness that had been plaguing him suddenly gone. 'Shit- that's right-' he thought. "U- uh, um, Sonia- I gotta go- I- I'll see you there-" he stumbled through his words.
"Oh, okay! Well, see you soon, Kazuichi ~" Sonia responded breezily as Souda hung up.
Souda threw his phone away carelessly onto the bed, walking clumsily across the room to jump into his clothes. 'No.. no.. no.. she did remind me! Arg- this is going to be so embarrassing..' he thought, digging into his closet for a pair of shoes to slip on. 'The assembly started at 7- what time was it again-? 7:20 now?! Urg-'
Kazuichi zipped up his jumpsuit, making sure his shoes were tied as he ran his fingers through his hair a couple times in front of the mirror. He usually teased it a little more, but Souda didn't have time since he was in such a big rush.
He opened his door, stumbling down the stairs, and slipping his beanie on over his matted hair. Souda thanked God that his father wasn't awake, or he might have caused him to be even later. With no time for breakfast, he slipped out the door on an empty stomach, barely remembering to grab his school bag.
He didn't live that far away from the huge, gated entrance to Hope's Peak High School, but far enough to leave him winded after running to the school at full speed.
Souda quickly showed the guards at the gate his ID card that allowed him into the builing, and rushed to the gym.
Kazuichi cringed as he felt the heads of his whole grade turn to look at him as he stumbled through the entrance. 'Oh God..' he whined internally. 'This is fucking beyond mortifying..-' he blushed, trying to cover his face as much as possible. Hopes Peak's principal was on the stage in front of all of the highschoolers, and he seemed frozen mid-sentence.
'Shit...' Souda finally reached his classmates at the end of the room, quickly diving to the back of their neat line to hide himself from everyone's staring. He let out a sigh of relief as the principal cleared his throat: "As I was saying..." he went on in a mildly annoyed tone. Kazuichi tried to regain his barings and listen, but then he flinched as a hand was laid on his shoulder...

873 words~))

Hello ^^ So.. this is going to be my first story on Wattpad.. I would love feedback to know how I'm doing- Well, I hope you enjoyed, and I'll try to get the second chapter out soon enough.. and the art is not mine ofc ^^ ))

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