◇• Chapter Three •◇

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Kazuichi walked home as always, but he got to enjoy the scenery and pay attention to his surroundings more than that morning. It wasn't like he hadn't seen it all a thousand times over already, but the rich neighborhoods surrounding Hope's Peak never seemed to fail to spark his interest somehow.

It was either the expensive looking cars, or the architecture of the extravagant houses, or the young children playing outside on their knickknacks that really made Souda think about and understand how he'd never have anything like that... Those kids didn't have a worry in the world... unlike him growing up. But then he looked away, ashamed of himself for being jealous. 'Be grateful for what you have, ya damn idiot-' he scolded himself.

Souda eventually started noticing how the houses were getting smaller and more run down looking as he walked down the block, more into his part of the neighborhood... Sighing, he made his way to the front door of his house, letting himself in to another boring night of caring for himself...


The next morning Kazuichi woke up at the right time, and much to his relief, he made it all night without a nightmare creeping into his dreams. He sat up in his bed, absentmindedly scratching his chest as his brain registered his surroundings. He soon stood up and stretched, and was able to actually take time in choosing a clean outfit and comb (and braid) his hair before going down to make himself a small breakfast.

He crept down the stairs, not like he'd wake his father anyways, since the man had probably stayed up late the night before doing whatever, and was in a deep sleep, like usual.

After quenching the rumbling echo of his stomach, Souda continued to brush his teeth and exit out the door. He checked his phone, both relieved and disappointed at the same time to see he had no new messages as he walked down the block once again. He didn't spend much time gawking at the fancy houses so he could be earlier to class, but still couldn't help a glance or two as he padded by...

Once Kazuichi got to the huge school building and scanned his card, he walked inside through the extravagant hallways. Conversations bounced off the walls as he made his way to his locker and quickly extracted what he needed.

As he headed to homeroom, he noticed Ibuki and Akane talking in the doorway of the class. Souda nodded hello, and they both moved out of his way a little so he would enter. "Sup', dude," Mioda greeted him, and he quickly said hi before the classroom door swung closed.

Much to his surprise, however, the room was seemingly quiet. Usually Sonia would be bouncing out of her seat to greet him, followed reluctantly by Gundham, but...

He walked over to Sonia's seat, placing a hand on the desk in front of her. "G- Good morning, Miss Sonia..." Souda said kindly, though he was a little worried and confused. But Sonia just looked up at him with surprise.

"Oh! Hello, Kazuichi," she started, bright as ever, "I am sorry, I did not see you enter the room..." she glanced back at Gundham, who was sitting stony faced at his desk. 'What was that about...? Why's she lookin' at him...?' Kazuichi thought, now very confused.

Sonia must have seen the inquisitive look on his face and she giggled sheepishly. "My apologies, Gundham usually alerts me when you enter the room so I do not miss you. However, today perhaps he forgot...?" she scrunched up her face, thinking. "Oh, yes! I now recall him mentioning something happening with a family member today. That was probably just clouding his mind is all... Hehe... what was it again...? Someone in the hospital...?"

Souda was already confused when the ultimate princess mentioned that Gundham watched out for him to enter the room every morning, but soon pity crept in along with it. He glanced over at Tanaka, and for the first time noticed how his expression was less arrogant and more depressed than usual.

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