Chapter 281

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It was raining cats and dogs, and the light was dim and depressing.

In the simple gray stone castle, a pair of blood red eyes appear on the top of the stone castle, strong and ominous, becoming the only color in the world.

The female voice in the room was wonderful, but Curtis was so angry that he wanted to destroy the sky and the earth as long as he thought that the male who made her make that voice was not himself.

He twisted his tail and some of it was out of control.

"Squeak" - "

the sound of hard objects scraping the stone in the air, Curtis's tooth tip knocking on the stone fence, carving a trace. The golden venom flowed down the notch, dripped down thickly, and formed a pool on the ground.


In order to let Bai Qingqing bear the baby, Parker made a special effort this time. He was so tired that he stopped.

The next day.

"Clang" – "

the door panel of the bedroom is opened and closed by the wind, making a loud noise. Bai Qingqing was so disturbed that she was finally awakened.

The chest is stuffy, as if pressed by a big stone. Bai Qingqing opened her eyes and looked down. A hairy leopard was lying on her chest, sleeping like a cat.

Its mouth is slightly open, showing a little sharp tip of teeth, pink tip of the tongue against the lip, breath between the mouth of the long beard up and down shaking.

The hot air blows on Bai Qingqing's chest again and again, and Bai Qingqing covers her chest silently. Think of Parker last night with the animal shape and their own, also told her to put out a female sex with the posture, blood straight to the head, face quickly red as if drinking high wine.

Bai Qingqing's body twisted upward and tried to climb out of Parker's body. With such a move, she found that Parker's lower body was still in her body. Because she retreated, Parker in her sleep squeezed her body again and reacted.

I didn't want to disturb Parker's sleep. Bai Qingqing can't calm down at this time. She grabs Parker's two thin and round ears and says, "get up! It's light! "

"Ouch ~" Parker flicked his head gently. Before he opened his eyes, he licked Bai Qingqing's chest with his side head.

The dense barb scraped on the most sensitive part of the chest. Bai Qingqing took a breath and breathed quickly, "up Get up. "

Parker opened his eyes, licked Bai Qingqing's chest again, then changed into a human shape and said with a smile, "let's do it again."

"A ghost, I'm going to be dead tired." Bai Qingqing's pressure - a strange feeling of body. He bent her legs and kicked Parker with her feet. "Before you came out, you slept on me like this, which made me sleep all night."

Parker put up his nest with one hand and got up from Bai Qingqing. As he drew away, a muddy white liquid immediately came out.

"I'll block it, or the cubs will come out." Parker bowed his head to wipe his wet bio - generator and replied earnestly.

Bai Qingqing didn't dare to look at Parker. She curled up and draped the quilt on her body. "There are so many endless streams. You can get up first. I'll wait for you to get water."

"Don't wash it off." Parker raised his head, looked at Bai Qingqing's body, and said in a flattering tone, "would you like to wash it today?"

Bai Qingqing is speechless. Just trying to say something, the bedroom door suddenly opens.

Curtis came in with a basin of hot water, looked at Bai Qingqing first, then gave Parker a cold sweep, and snapped, "don't go hunting yet."

Parker's back was cold, and he became a beast.

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