Chapter six: Memory lost

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Sitting there shaking still not wanting to move as I see Ryan peacefully asleep thinking he accomplished something, I got up slowly grabbing my clothes while I still had tears running down my face walking towards the bathroom, I locked the door grabbing my phone to make a phone call...


"Dom can you please come get me I don't know what to do"!

Dom heard my voice all raspy, he knew something was odd luckily he was on his way right away knowing it's 2am. I hurried down stairs rushed into Dom's car burying my face into the palm of my hands. "Tren"? I looked up at him knowing he'll be disappointed at me.

"I fucked up Dom everyone told me not to do it and I did"! I've always been a fucked up ever since my mother left me I'm the reason why she's gone like Lizzie said"!

"Don't ever say that again"!

I looked at Dom in tears "You're the reason why she's so happy Dom and I never understood it, our life was never perfect but listening to your songs and interviews it changed her and Hailey, I've always never understood why all these girls went to so crazy over you but I understand now you're an amazing person and you do so much for your friends, family, and most importantly fans"!

Dom grabbed my hand wiping my tears "I didn't have a perfect life either you know but yes music changed me I lost my parents in a car accident and lost my little sister".

"Wait you lost your parents and little sister"???

Dom cleared his throat "well I didn't exactly lose my sister she just doesn't remember me".

I unbuckled my seatbelt and scooted closer to Dom resting my head on his shoulder "You've definitely changed me and saved me from this Douche, never again I will see him"!

"No he's going to fucken jail"!

I giggled a little bit knowing it's true I got myself into a hot mess. "Shit I should start heading home, I know Lizzie is so worried about me"!

Dom and I started to head back towards my house I hurried out knowing Dom was right behind me. "Lizzie"! I ran upstairs seeing that she wasn't home

"Dom she's not home"!

"She might be with Tom"?

I looked at him with my face turning bright red with anger, "I don't need anymore of this for the night"! Dom grabbed me into a tight hug trying to calm me down "just call her".  I grabbed my phone to call Lizzie.

Finally Lizzie answered, "Trenity I can explain I didn't know where you are so Tom picked me up looking for you but Adam and Hailey is with us I promise I didn't do anything I love you so much and wanted to apologize for everything"!

"It's okay Lizzie I'm home and Dom is with me please get here safe we will be waiting for you all". I smiled hanging up, "well at least that's some good news"!

"Come let's sit down and relax for a bit till they get here". Me and Dom sat down watching tv for a bit till the rest finally came home I ran up to Lizzie and Hailey hugging them not letting go until I saw Michael and rose coming behind them I hurried and gave them a hug. "I didn't know you guys was coming to"!

Rose and Michael laugh then rose came up to me "if you ever need anything I'm here for you too you're part of this family now"! I smiled and gave rose a hug then thank everyone.

                              Dom's POV
As Trenity was hugging everyone and enjoying company I decided to go towards the backyard seeing Adam and Hailey hanging out.

"Sorry Adam but I need to talk to Hailey privately".

Adam smirked at Dom then grabbed Hailey kissing her seeing that Doms face changed quickly, "fucken twat leave us"! Adam laughed walking back inside.

"What was that"? Dom said in an angry voice

Hailey looked at him all confused "what are you my brother"? Then laughed trying to walk away

"Yes I am Hailey"!

She turned around looking at me confused as ever "what are you talking about"?

"You've lost your memory sis so of course you wouldn't remember me at all but I'm telling you now I've finally found you"! I was hoping she would get excited but her face turned into anger.

"So you're saying that we both were in the car while our parents died and I've got sent to the hospital with no memory at all about you or remembering how the crash happen all I could remember is losing both of my parents and all I had left was you and you are now returning in my life"!

"Hailey we both got separated I lived with my aunt for years then finally got into music then found my mates I've never gave up on you, I always found your page and stalked you, that day of my concert I came
up to you and Trenity because I've always knew was you and when you finally posted that Tik Tok I definitely knew I found my sister"!

She was still looking at me angry then I saw tears running down her face "I need to sit down for a minute and process all of this, so my brother was famous all along knowing "you" fucken Yungblud I love for years turned out to be my actual brother, how is this possible I want to punch you but then parts of me wants to hug you"! She got back up walking towards me pulling me into a hug crying

"I hate you for leaving me"! I started to pat on her back feeling my tears run down my cheek "I know and I'm sorry but I'm back, but I do want you to return to London with me".

She looked up at me quickly then she let go knowing she was speechless "but my grandma, Trenity or Lizzie I can't just leave them here they were all I got"!

"Of course not they could come with a new fresh start"!

"We would have to talk to them about this"!

"Of course everyone is here so it's perfect timing to catch them all up". I grabbed Hailey into one last hug walking back inside to let everyone know what's going on.

Me and Hailey sat down as everyone eyes landed on me, Trenity came up to me asking if everything was ok but then a smile came out "I have a lot to tell you guys"!

Falling skies(Yungblud fan fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu