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Jahseh's POV

I sat in the back on my mom's car next to my lil brother. My mom just picked me up from juive. (I don't know how that works so whatever) I was quiet, wondering when my mom was gonna tell at me on how much of a dissapointment I am. "Jahseh, why the fuck are you always being so fucking stupid?" My mom asked me. "I don't know.." I said quietly.

"You're a fucking faggot and you're fucking crazy?!" She yelled. I was just stayed quiet and Aiden didn't know what to say. "I had to find out from one of your lil friends on Instagram that you like dick! Why didn't you fucking tell me?!" She screamed. "I knew you were homophobic." I shrugged.

"Shut the fuck up! You are so fucking worthless! Aiden if more useful then you and he's 8!" My mom yelled. "I am very very sorry that men like me more then they like you. Oops! You got me! Is that why you always accused me of trying to sleep with the guys you always brought over?!" I yelled back and she slapped me. Aiden jumped and I looked at him. "I'm fine." I smiled slightly. She pulled into the driveway and we all got out.

She opened the door and we all went in. I went up to my room and sat down on my bed. I looked at my phone that was given back to me when I left. I put my phone on the charger and sighed. I laid down and just thought about everything.


I woke up to my mom coming in "Wake up." She took a puff of her cigarette and blew out. I got up and she left. A year ago she ripped my bedroom door off so that I have no privacy. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a black hoodie and black jeans. I put on my Air Forces and walked to the bathroom. I changed my outfit and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I left my dreads down.

I sighed and looked in the mirror. Jesus I am ugly.... I quickly looked away and went to my bedroom. I grabbed my phone and grabbed my bookbag. I left without saying anything to my mom and went down to the bus stop. The usual people showed up and I had my headphones in.

When the bus showed up I got on and sat in my usual seat on the bus. Nobody bullies me. I just don't talk to anybody. I continued listening to music. I've always wished to make music one day. Maybe I will. I have a music book in my room. It's the only thing my mom hasn't ripped up.

I got to school and got off the bus with everyone else. I walked to my locker and grabbed my stuff I'll need for class. I saw some new kid with a durag and baggy clothing. I just waved at him since he was staring at me and then I went to my classroom.

Stokeley's POV

Me and that weird kid shared almost every fucking class. He was just so fucking creepy. He was probably annoying too. "Mr. Goulbourne and Mr. Onfroy, you two will be working on a project together." Our teacher announced Fuck

The next bell rang and we all left. I went to Gym and got ready in the locker room like the other boys. I had to admit though, the nigga was thick. I continued doing whatever and then we all went out to the gym floor.

I was sweaty as fuck after the class. I went to get a drink with water. When I walked to the water fountain I saw the same creepy ass kid. "So, you're my partner for our project?" I asked him and he looked up at me. "Yeah I um...I guess." His voice was quiet.

He quickly walked off and just went to the locker room. I got a drink and went to the locker room too. Once I saw the kid again I walked up to him "Hey, what's your phone number?" I asked. He gave me his number and I nodded. "Your name is Jahseh right?" I asked and he nodded. "Alright well I'm Stokeley." I said "Oh okay." He nodded.

While I was walking off I heard him say "What the fuck is a Stokeley?" I rolled my eyes and got my stuff to go home. I walked home.

Jahseh's POV

When I got home I walked up to my mom. "Hey I'm going over to my classmates house to do a project." I said she just nodded and kept playing on her phone. I left and texted Stokeley.


*Enter address here*

Okay, is it cool if I come over and we start the project?


Alright omw

I put my phone in my pocket and started walking to his house. He was handsome but he wouldn't like me. I can already tell by the looks of disgust he makes when he talks to me. I got to his house and knocked on the door. A sweet looking lady opened it "Hello, who are you?" She asked. "I'm Jahseh, is Stokeley home?" I asked and she nodded. "Are you his classmate?" She asked "Yes ma'am." I said and she let me in.

She showed me where his room was and I knocked before going in. I heard movement and he opened the door. "Oh it's you." He made the disgusted face again and I sighed and nodded. He let me in and just kinda stood there. "So we should start on this project." I said. "You can sit down on the bed." He said and I nodded and sat down next to him.

He obviously didn't want me here. "Let's start." I said. We started the project. I really didn't want to be here but I just wanted to get through school. Once we were done with the first part I looked up from the project and stared at him. Damn he's fine....sadly he's a bitch I looked back down at the project.


My phone started ringing. I answered it and my mom started fucking screaming. I guess Stokeley heard it cause his eyes widened. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" My mom yelled. "I'm at a classmates house doing a project!" I said. "I SWEAR TO GOD JAHSEH IF YOU'RE GETTING FUCKED RIGHT NOW I'M BEATING YO ASS WHEN YOU GET HOME!" She yelled "I'm not!" I yelled. She just hung up and I sighed.

"Dude you okay?" He asked and I looked at him. "You don't care." I said, grabbing my shit and walking towards the door. "Jahseh wait why do you say that?" He asked. "Nigga you don't even like me. Everytime you talk to me you make a disgusted face like I fucking stink." I said. He sighed "No I don't hate you, I just thought you were weird since you never spoke." He said.

"That's because I don't like anybody at school. Not even you." I said and left. I started walking home.

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