☆ midnight heist ☆

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"Is that all you want? You know it is my treat..." I roll my e/c eyes at Ash's words and say in a teasing tone with a small smile.

"Yes I'm sure, you know I'm trying to watch my weight." This time Ash rolls their eyes and lightly kicks my heel under the table. I bring my gaze up from the menu and lock eyes with them as they playfully glare at me. I reciprocate their expression and playfully glare at them with my e/c eyes. This turned into a mini staring contest and lets just say I'm very very VERY competitive, so it was only natural when I fully immersed my gaze into theirs until I saw them waver their gaze away because of how unsettling my gaze got. I smile triumphantly to myself as I sip my f/d with a tiger grin. Ash pouts and says childishly.

"I hate when you do that, you know I can't win against your murder eyes." I feel my anxiety rise as they say that. I hate when they describe it like that, not because it's offensive but because it's true. I have killed people. But it always irks me because I've worked so hard to build this double life. Living a normal life in poverty working for some sleazy old man at a burlesque is not how I want to remember the so called 'best years of my life'. Being a 23 year old woman in Los Santos is hard enough as it is, but just sprinkle the fact that I am one of the most wanted head hunters in the damn state only adds more complications to it. If Ash found out it'd cause more trouble for them then for me. They'd probably get killed. I let out a sigh at the thought catching Ash's attention.

"What's up?" I look up from my cup and say with a forced smile.

"It's nothing just thinking of how my shifts gonna be tomorrow, and speaking of shifts shouldn't you be heading to yours soon?" Ash hurriedly looks down around their watch and says under their breath.

"Shit, shit, shit!" They get up quickly from the table and starts grabbing their bag while they say apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I thought we'd have more time to hang. I gotta head to my girlfriends house to pick up my work clothes so I'll text you during my lunch okay?" I merely smile and say with a soft chuckle.

"It's fine, really. Just go before you're late and tell Carrie I said hi." They nod quickly and make their leave, I wave them off as I watch them speed walk down the street through the cafe windows. I let out a soft giggle at the sight and soon collect my stuff as well to make my leave. As soon as I was about to grab my phone it buzzed beneath my finger tips. I slowly flip it over and see a new text from a buyer.

Holder: The Docks. 12 AM. Flash drive. $800,000. Don't mess up.

Fucking christ, I hate going to the docks. But I need that money bad, so I guess I'll suck it up and deal with the fish gut smell.

Me: Got it

Guess I'd better prep for my heist. I let out a sigh  as I walk to my motorcycle and start heading back to my apartment to change and warm up for my now busy night.

Evans POV

The heist room was bustling with excitement and yelling due to the new mission we caught wind of. I walk in and close the door behind me, the room quieted down for the most part and I look out to my group of idiots I call a crew. Delirious is sitting perfectly quiet with his mask on as always. Terroriser is almost in the same state but he has a tendency to have this shit eating grin on his face at all times. Nogla is the complete opposite of those two, he is speaking loudly in his 'inside voice' to Lui who is just as annoying at times. Basically and Wildcat are trying their best to not snap and yell at the few annoyances in the room. While Moo and Ohm are calmly and quietly waiting for me to start my heist plans. With that I clear my throat loudly and say even louder.

"Alright! It's time to start the heist planning. As you all know I've come across a major heist opportunity. You all know Diamond Enterprises, so there will be a shipment coming in that was kept under not so tight wraps now that we know. There is some highly valuable and marketable shit in the garages on the docks, so it will be our job to get there, retrieve them, and resell them to the highest bidder to make epic bank. Now the shipment comes in at midnight so we have to get in and out as quickly as possible without any of us getting caught. So Delirious, Wildcat, and Basically, you three are gonna be my eyes in the sky. Terroriser, Lui and Nogla, you'll be my lookout and cam snipers. Ohm you'll be riding alongside me and Moo you will be on standby in case shit goes south. This seems like an easy heist so we don't have to call the others from their heists. If this all goes to plan we'll be home free with the money in no time. So everyone get ready to leave, we gotta be prepared for the unexpected." With that said I step away from the table and open up the door to leave, everyone following suit. We all went to our individual rooms to get our armor and heist clothes on. This can't possibly go bad, it's too easy of a heist. I freeze as I pull off my shirt and say to myself as I look at my body in the mirror.

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