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Ariana's POV
As Michael and I are in his ship, he looks over at me for a second because he is driving and says "So, why did you want to be good?" I look over at him and say "Well, I wasn't happy with what I was doing so the only way I could fix it was to kill my allies."
He nods his head which shows that he agreed to what I said. He then says "I need your help with something." I tilt my head and say "What?" Michael then says "This Guy and his minions are after me because I save innocent lives." I then say to him "What is his name?"
Michael looks at me and says "Alastair." My eyes widen and I say "ALASTAIR! Michael, he is my dad!" Michael then looks at me and says "So, are you going to help me kill your dad?" My mouth drops and says "Michael, what do you think my answer is?" Michael then puts his hand on his head and says "No, probably no." I look at him and say "Exactly just please take me home and if I hear that my dad is dead, I will kill you!"
The rest of the ride, we said nothing to each other, just complete silence.
Michael then lands on the planet I live on and says "Well, good talking to you Ariana." I then stood up and walked out without saying anything to him.
Michael's POV
When Ariana got out of my ship, I was honestly really worried about her. My eyes flashed colors and I saw her future, her dad killed her mother and he was going to kill her! I stayed on the planet so she wouldn't be left her to die.
Ariana's POV
When I got out of the space ship, I walked into my house, and what I saw stunned me. I saw my mothers dead body on the floor and my dad killing her. I screamed and ran out as fast as I could. When I looked back, my dad was chasing me and trying to kill me!
I look over and see that Michael and his ship was still here. I banged on the doors of his ship and said "MICHAEL IM SORRY! PLEASE LET ME IN!" The doors opened in front of my face and I ran in as fast as I could and Michael closed the door behind me. We took off as fast as we could and got out of there.
I look at Michael and say "Why did you stay, did you know what was going to happen?" Michael looks at me and says "Ariana, I can see the future, that's why I stayed and I tried warning you." I look at him and I say "Thank you so, so much. I would be dead if it wasn't for you." He smilies and says "No problem, just doing my job." I look at him and I say "Now I will help you kill my father."

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