What Just Happened!?

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When I got in I had my dinner and as soon as I finished I texted Rhett "I'm on my way to yours now" "Ok, I'll be outside" he replied. "I'm off out mum, see you!" I shouted before I left. I got on my bike and started riding to Rhetts.

When I got there he was stood leaning on his bike "Hey" he said with a huge grin on his face "Hello, come on I'll race you!" I said as I stopped next to him, his grin grew bigger as he jumped on his bike "Okay, 3...2...1...go!" he shouted. We zoomed off on our bikes and he was in the lead.

We made it to the woods and stopped "Wow, you're fast!" I said and he smiled. We both walked forward to find our tree house. We arrived and climbed up inside. I saw the tub of paint they had used for their hand prints. I opened it, dipped my hand in and placed it on the wall in between the boys hand prints "There! Just need to wait for it to dry now, so I can put my name" I looked back to see Rhett staring at me, he was on his own planet. "Rhett!" I shouted, he jumped out of his skin "Ohh... that looks great!" he said.

I moved back and we sat face to face. It was a little awkward and quiet for a few minutes "It's really quiet without Link huh?" I said "Yeah it is, you and Link are great together, but I just can't help but be jealous" he said "Jealous?" I said looking at him confused "I liked you at the same time as him... or should I say like" "You still like me?" I asked "How could I not? You're perfect in every way" I blushed a little, it was sweet of him to say that. "Why are you telling me this Rhett? Does Link know how you feel?" "I didn't want to keep it bottled up inside and no, of course not!" "Wow, I'm sorry you feel that way, you'll have to tell Li-" Rhetts lips crashed onto mine out of nowhere, I pushed him away "What are you doing!?" I said with a serious look on my face "I'm sorry I-" "What is Link going to think about this! He won't be happy that's for sure!" "Please, it was a mistake, don't tell Link!" I could see the panic in his eyes, I didn't want to be there any longer. I got out and rode home on my bike.

New Beginnings (A Rhett and Link Fanfiction) ~Being Edited~Where stories live. Discover now