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Arrival of the storm

      They stood there traumatized, seeing the pool of blood right under the body of Miss Grace, which hung on the white board.... drenched in blood. It looked as though she was brutally and mercilessly stabbed in the torso several times with a dagger.
        As the blood was still dripping, Noah ran to check her pulse . He learned that she was already dead. They ran towards the Principal's office to call Mr. Watanabe, their principal. P. Watanabe immediately informed the Sheriff.
         While waiting for Sheriff Leo, they noticed a note beside the corpse of Miss Grace which said "SHE HAD TO DIE".
It was written with the blood of Miss Grace.
      Miss Grace was a darling teacher. She was everyones beloved. Her death left everyone in tears.
      The Sheriff arrived. Madelaine and Zabrina headed towards the canteen to keep themselves distracted from the trauma. Noah and Cody were still near the corpse, trying to figure out what happened with Miss Grace.
      The body was removed and taken for Autopsy. The eye witnesses were later called by the Sheriff to the Sheriff department for interrogation. The four Best Friends were now the eye witness to a brutal murder. They all went one by one to sheriff's office to tell him what they had witness at the crime scene. Mr. Chopper the janitor was there too as he was the first to witness the crime scene.
      As they all were heading out of the Sheriff's department, the Janitor suddenly held Zabrina's hand and murmured into her ear, 'I tell you, the soul of Miss Grace will always haunt the walls of Westwood High like many others.' 
       Madelaine noticed Zabrina was left behind. She went back to look for her. She saw that Zab was standing near the office and was looking confused. She went and shook her and said 'let's go...what's wrong?'
'Nothing, just that creepy old janitor' Zabrina replied.

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