Wanna go vroom vroom?

159 3 13

Crossy Boi:hmm. first ask for everyone
The bad sanses,geno,and ink:UGHHHHHH
1) what are the things you guys hate eating or drinking?
2) Nightmare what do you mean by something is "off" with ink?
3) Cross who are the sanses you like? (as in friendship! pick five)

Nightmare:anything sweet. i despise 

Error:white chocolate....bad things happen when i eat it... (this one is based on a thing from a friend XD)

Cross:normal milk...*blank expression on his face* 


Horror:babies...not enough meat....unless its the chubby ones... *grabs the hole in his skull*

Lust:anything from my au....

Death:alcohol,its horrible.



Ink:cabbage. i hate it. do not dare ask me why. *remembers a fight with error*

BlueBerry:Honey or mustard

Dream:any of the apples....

Geno:*rubs the back of his neck* mustard

Classic:copy paste

Blue:honey! i hate it! i try to stop my bro from eating it..never listens..

Outer:stars. they we're horrible. never should of tried to eat one ;-;



Nightmare: he seems too cheery...like hes always happy even when shit is off...he just..is happy..but even so..hes not..not even faking it by putting layers of happiness above all his sadness. *is silent for a second* its like he doesn't even have emotions...


Cross:oh easy! nightmare and error are first cause they're my best friends! next would be blueberry,as in the outcode! he and i make tacos together all the time! then it would be ink because hes like a dad to me. and believe it or not dust! he and i like talking about our problems with our ghost siblings (my head cannon is that cross considers chara as an older brother also cause it seems like cross's creator gives the impression of them being siblings tho they are not)

FloofyFluffyHoodie:Question for bill:do you like to prank others? if so,who do you like to prank the most?

Bill:HA! I love to prank the other bad sanses! puts a real big smile to my face! if i had to pick,it would be error! its fun watching him glitch and crash from time to time *smiles widely*. of course nightmare tells me to knock it off but heh,i never really listen! he may be my boss but i don't always have to listen to him

CrossDream1:Hmm,nightmare can you try and guess what my goop comes off too? Hint,its a solid


QueenKity405:hey cross,Why DO you call nightmare senpai?

Cross:huh? i barely even call him senpai,how did you know about that?!? 

Dust:probably fan service. 

Cross:maybe...and if you're wondering why,easy. to tease him of course! its fun seeing his get flustered and all angry!

Camille_and_Fritz:Hey do you guys know about inks "soul"?

Hey Lust,you like kittens?

Error:no they dont,and i dont plan ink is even gonna tell them. so far only me and cross know about it. and i plan to make sure it stays that way *glares at you* 'asker'



Midnight666life:Hey lust.....you are fabulous
And horror....you are pretty

Lust:Aweee thank you! *winks* and i know i am!~


Nerdy_Raichu:Hehehehe,i dare nightmare to play the SCP game,lol (i wonder how he'll react to SCP-049 or SCP-096)

Nightmare:oh? hmmm

*nine hours later*

Nightmare:*just confusedly staring at his computer* wtf?

Kyrie_NightGold:error out of all the aus which is your favorite and which is your least favorite?

Error:*blinks* i thought everyone knew this by now....or do you already know and just want to see this "version" of me's prospective? 


Error:mhm. well my favorite is undernovella and my least favorite is undertail or underfell *glares at the asker once more* but i'm sure you already know that right? i'm on to you askers....


Blue:yeah its mean!

Error:*rolls eyes*

Crossy:anyways ask us!

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