Bro you like killer? thats mega gay.

107 7 9

Crossy_Boi:ignore the title- and lets get onto el asks-

FloofyFluffyHoodie:Hmmm what a do you guys hate?

*da guys huddle up*

Dream:*looks at you* undertail

Classic:there are lines you dont CROSS


nikki1356:Ask 1: of you guys have to kiss,marry,kill,and sleep with who would it be and dont use one name for all of them and dont use objects,things,or any non living things in this game. everyone has to answer.
Ask 2 (for author):which sans is the most talented one
And i love to ship kustard

Nightmare:Me from a past timeline,Me from a future timeline,Me from the present timeline,and me from 13 seconds ago :)

Cross:nightmare you cant-


Cross: ;-;

Everyone else in the bad sanses:copy paste (minus reaper he just said geno from different periods of time XD)

Dream:kiss brother in a sibling way! like on the cheek. m-marry killer *small blush*.kill no one! an sleep with the star sanses. we all sleep in the same bedroom anyways

Ink:Kiss dream (i slowly got into the drink ship help-),marry blue hes good at cooking,kill error,and i guess sleep with lust?

Horror:*slowly readying his axe*

BlueBerry:Kiss dream (im also a drue shipper fite me.),marry dust,*whispers* kill dust sans fangirls..,and same as dream! the stars!

Geno:Kiss fell,marry music (music box sans),kill reaper,and sleep with classic

Classic:kiss geno,marry fell,kill player,and sleep with outer

*insert other people saying shit cause im lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy*

Crossy_Boi:also the most talented is discord from mlp wannabe-

Bill:thats his nickname for me -_-

Queenkitty405:Hey nightmare whose the best at their job on the team?

Nightmare:killer. at home he may be an idiot who dose dumb shit with the rest of the murder trio,but during battle he can automatically goes into an emotionless act and fight whoever without feeling any simp(HA SIMP-)athy,hell seen him kill a two year old once. wont even matter if his loved one is on the opposite side.

(I'm lazy so there will be a part two of thiss)

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