Chapter Two

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Armin's POV

We had our usual chores to do around the castle. Unfortunately for me, I was put with Mikasa. We're to wash all windows.

I didn't say anything to her... I couldn't... I was embarrassed.

We cleaned the windows in the same rooms as one another.

We kept making eye contact though, and that was torture.

"Are we going to keep acting like nothing happened? Or are we going to talk about it?" She said, not looking away from her window.

"It was n-nothing..." I said awkwardly, avoiding looking at her entirely.

"We did leave you two alone last night. So, how did it happen?" She asked.

I blushed. "I d-don't know w-what you're talking a-about..."

"Armin! I'm not stupid. I could tell you two did something together last night."

I sighed and dropped my cloth into the bucket of water.

"W-We didn't go too f-far... we just... you know..." I said awkwardly.

"Why?" She asked.

I couldn't tell her the truth... I didn't want her to know I liked Eren.

"It j-just sort of... happened..." I lied.

"Do you like him?" She asked.

I looked at her with my eyes wide. "N-No, it wasn't like that. It was strictly for pleasure." I said, blushing harder.

"So you had a one night stand with him?"

I nodded shamefully.

"If that is what you wanted, Armin, then don't be ashamed. It's okay to do stuff like that. I just didn't peg you as the type to do stuff like that." She said.

I bit my lip. "Neither did I..."

We went silent for a bit, then she looked at me.

"Was it good?" She asked.

My lips parted and my eyes widened with shock. "Woah! I didn't e-expect you to ask something like t-that..."

She allowed herself to smirk.

I blushed. "Y-Yes... it was good..."

She continued to smirk. "What did you two do?"

I smirked and giggled. "We-"

"HEY! What do you two think you're doing?! Get back to work!" Captain Levi yelled.

I stiffened and looked at him wide eyed. Mikasa looked at him with annoyance.

"Y-Yes, sir! Right away, sir!" I said awkwardly.

He glared at us then walked away.

I met Mikasa's eyes and she smirked. I couldn't help but smirk back.

This is a different side of her that I've never seen... it's awesome. I feel we can talk about anything together. Well... anything but Eren.

She allowed herself to smile and have fun. I'm glad she can be this way around me.

"Come on, let's finish this." She said.



Dinner rolled around, and Eren still wasn't there. A part of me was thankful that I didn't have to see him... it would just remind me of how much I want him.

One Night - Armin x Jean - SmutficWhere stories live. Discover now