Chapter Three

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Armin's POV

Today we were given free time to roam around the castle and do as we pleased. My plan was to hit the books! I haven't been able to read in awhile.

So I do just that.

Here in the castle, we have a library. It isn't used often, and it's not very big. But we do have good books here. Quite a variety of them as well.

I started to scan the shelves of books, trying to find something that would interest me.

I found myself in the fiction section. Maybe I could find a nice story to read.

"Oh, Armin! I found you." Reiner said from behind me.

I jolted and turned to look at him.

He scared me...

My heart was racing.

"Geez, Reiner! You scared me!" I yelled.

He chuckled. "Man you gotta relax!"

I glared at him.

"Anyway, I brought you something." He said, grabbing something from his pocket.

He was holding some sort of magazine... it was rolled up.

He started to unroll it, then held it up to show me.

It was two naked guys kissing and touching each other.

My eyes widened and I quickly look away, blushing hard.

"Oh my god! Put that away!" I yelled.

He chuckled again. "I thought you could use this. You seem to need to relax a little. So take this."

I awkwardly looked at him, trying desperately not to look at the image.

"You know you want it." He said, smirking.

I glared at him and shook my head no. "No thank you."

"Awe come on! Here, just take it." He said, grabbing my wrist and forcing it in my hand.

I looked up at him nervously, clenching onto the magazine.

"Now, go and enjoy yourself." He said, smirking as he let go of my wrist then walked away.

I stood there, confused and conflicted.

Against my better judgement, I looked down at the magazine. My face turned beat red.

Holy shit...

I quickly rolled up the magazine and stuffed it down my sleeve.

I was about to leave the library but bumped into Mikasa.

"Woah!" She said.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I said quickly.

She studied me. "Why are you so flustered?"

My eyes widened. "Um... n-no reason..."

I slowly pressed my arm against my side to hide the bump in my sleeve.

She looked down and saw right through me. She harshly grabbed my arm and yanked it out of my sleeve.

"No! Mikasa, don't look!" I yelled.

She unrolled the magazine and examined the image. She slowly looked up at me with a natural expression.

"R-Reiner... he... he forced me to have this..." I said, flustered.

"Mhm." She said, handing me the magazine back.

I shamefully took it back and shrunk into myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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