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April 19th, 2020

So like - I'm meant to be writing. 
I've finished writing OEAWH but BCD and GMS still need writing and finishing but its gonna take me some time as I'm feeling pretty drained in every way currently. Meaning at the usual update time of 6 pm (UK) on a Saturday may not work out with BCD and I'll apologize in advance!  

So have this line I really like from a book - adapted to fit this update. 

Even if you weren't thinking of you
Even if the world  wasn't thinking of you 
Even when I felt like no one was thinking of you
Someone Will ALWAYS be thinking of you. 

not gonna lie when I say it makes me cry so much. 
The original is from a sandersides fanfiction 
(The Golden Rule by CobyJLine if anyone wondered) 
It's just so a powerful line that hits me personally on a whole other level and it inspires me to push on so I thought I'd share it because maybe it will help someone else. 

- Neon 

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