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  Today. What does that word even mean? Does it mean from the time the sun rises to the time it sets? What is time? Does it even exist? Yes. It does. For some, time is a blessing. Time to do great things. Time to spend with friends and family. Time to make money for a time later when it might be needed.

  Time. The way a word doesn't sound right when you say it too many times.

  Time. Ticking. Losing precious time. For some, time is a blessing. For others, a curse. A constant reminder. Time is slipping away. Fear grips your heart. Fear of what? Losing time? It's a paradox. You spend more time worrying about losing time than actually using the time you're given.

  Time. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Time is a figment of the imagination. The amount of time you have is predetermined. Maybe that's why we worry. Yesterday no longer exists except in memory. Tomorrow is not promised. You try to make the most out of the time you're given. Trying to do that is like trying to move a gallon of water to a bucket with only your hands. Sure, you get some of that water transferred. The rest? Slips through the cracks.

  Time. I spent time writing this. Time I can't get back. Time I don't want back. Time is all in your head. Thinking ahead. Looking back. Time is a sieve.

  Today. Today is the only time you have. Feel guilty about time wasted tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. How you chose to spend your time yesterday, last week, last year, is over. That time is gone. It is always today. Here. Now. Now is the only time you have. Don't read this and go skydiving. Don't go swim with sharks. Don't travel. Don't make plans. Unless that's how you live your todays. Spend your now how you would normally. Go to work. Take a nap. Order takeout. Worry about it tomorrow. And remember? Tomorrow never comes. Let it go.

  Time. You can't get it back. Live in the now. Time does not exist. Live your life with no regrets.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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