My birthday!

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So hello, it's me, Alex Williams, I'm here to tell you about myself, in book form, because I love to write and of course I can come up with amazing idea's anyway let's get to it...

May 9th 1999

guess who was born.....that's right, it's me, I don't know much about my weight and stuff, but mum said I was very easy until they found out about my conditions, which my parents knew anyway because my lovely mother had the same condition and they knew it would have been passed down to me...

So I was born on Sunday 9th May 1999, at 12:34 in the morning, mum and dad were delighted when I was born, they couldn't be any happier, when it was time for my feed, however, I couldn't drink how my mum wanted me to drink out of a bottle as I had a cleft palate problem...

So I was born with something called oro facio digital syndrome type 2, that means I have a cleft palate, my lips are shaped differently and I have a hole in the roof of my mouth and also a tongue tie and half a tongue, now my brain, I have a cyst on it (No not the ones you can pop) it's massive and I have to be careful if I hit my head (we don't know what could happen) which was hard for me because I am super clumsy and fall over always...

now my hearing, I was deaf in both ears when I was little but now it has reduced to my right ear which is a perforated eardrum and had to have grommets in when I was very little and it sucked because they didn't take and had to have them done multiple times...

my hands and feet were webbed (Like a frog) and my motor skills were limited as I couldn't move my fingers far enough, which was a struggle but I made do as I grew up with them...

Brain years (Yes that is an actual thing) so at the moment I am 20 3/4 and 3 months behind, so I learnt slower than everyone else....

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