Fitting in...

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so it wasn't easy fitting in school because I was so hard to deal with, but I just went on with life, even though I had my struggles with bullying and operations and appointments....

which did suck because that meant, not showing up and being late most days due to the appointments and operations, but the schools understood...

My first school was Ilfracombe school which was amazing, it was massive, I had loads of friends and got lost lots, I discovered their library full of books that I could escape from and it was amazing I had this book series I liked called Rainbow magic, I'd read through them in like a day and wait around the next day to see if the other books were there and had to walk out empty-handed, but the woman told me she'd keep looking for me...

I'd spend hours in the library, even after school had finished I'd sit there and read, mum and dad liked it because I was learning...

the next school was st Teresa's in parkfields, we'd moved to Wolverhampton when I was seven-ish, and that school was very catholic, dad wanted us to be Catholics and we never wanted too, we went to church every Sunday and even with the school and sung hymns which were boring, but at least I got a singing voice, I didn't like that school very much, but at least I made friends there that I am friends with today....sort of...I didn't talk much because I really didn't like it and can hardly remember as I repressed those memories...

Lanesfield primary school is where everything kicked off, my life really started here, I loved it here, everything was normal and not maddening, I did get bullied a lot but I don't really speak about the bullying as it was a bad part of my life, this is when I got into groups like drama and choir and acting, I loved it, my teachers were amazing, I finished that school when I was eleven years old and I was a singer and an actress, (only small parts but it was amazing to be on stage and directed by someone!) I moved into the crazy world of senior school...

Sutton school and specialist college, (not a college, just called a college) this one was quite tough as at the beginning I didn't quite fit in and left myself to myself, this is when my drawing came into view and I drew A LOT!  I did art and Loved it, which was amazing, signed myself up for choir as I had some experience from Lanesfield, and got in, which was amazing, as my voice grew, the more I grew, year nine, is when I started my youtube channel and it was bonkers to me, that I could upload my videos to people to watch, but Year nine was also when I got in trouble a lot, throwing tables, hitting students and snapping rulers on my boyfriend's hands and even braking scales, (thanks for that Stefan!) this was also the time when I was experiencing changes, I dumped my boyfriend of three years and was in the closet for a long time, I was very scared...

year ten is when everything changed, even more, I chose my courses I wanted to do for the two years and I chose, History, Science (Mandatory) English (Mandatory) Maths (Also mandatory) Art (one year then switched too...) Performing arts! and of course Music too that was important, I wanted to improve on my voice, my two years were sorted...

year 11 came around and it was sad because over the six years I'd grown a lot, from a shy girl that hated her figure, to a bubbly outgoing girl who loves singing and dancing...

I do miss Sutton because it's moulded me to be the person who I wouldn't have been to admit it was old fashioned but I asked and pleaded that piercings are allowed, (well I was the first person ever to have a nose piercing in school, thank you to my headteacher for letting me keep it and it's never healed over or come out!

school life as since ended and now I am 20 year old becoming 21 in 18 days and I am so excited

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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