[ six ]

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[ six ] 

Narda didn't know where she was when she stopped running. It had been so long since they had visited the cabin in the forrest, and she didn't remember which direction she came from, much less did she know which direction to go in. Back at the waterfall where the teenagers had been having fun, everyone looked at Ashton with looks that burned at him more than the fires of hell. They all thought the same thing, that he was always too harsh with Narda. He almost wanted to shout at them. What did they want from him? He already felt bad for upsetting Narda. Shooting daggers at him with their eyes wasn't going to make the situation better.

Luke's blue eyes were filled with concern as they looked past the heavy line of trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of the beautiful gymnast who had run away in her anger at Ashton. "I should go look for her." He coughed awkwardly, motioning to stand up from his spot at the boulder where he had been sitting with her.

"I'll go." Ashton told his friend, extending a hand to stop him from moving. "I need to go apologize to her."

The boy with golden curls took off in the same direction as Narda Hillman, hoping she hadn't gone too far from the cabin. It would be getting dark soon and Ashton didn't want anything bad to happen to her out in the wilderness. The family hadn't been there often, espcially not Narda. She hardly had any real experience with anything other than gymnastics. He ran past trees that all looked the same to him. He called her name to find there was no answer. He continued his search until he had run a half hour into the forrest . She was nowhere to be found and Ashton began to worry she might be in danger.

"Narda!" He called, this time more desperately.

Narda had sad down on the grassy ground of the forrest, laying her back against the trunk of a thick tree. She was tired and didn't know which way to go. The sun was beginning to set in the forrest and she was beginning to get cold. Narda brought her knees to her chest and rubbed at the goosebumps on her skin. She knew if it came down to a necessity, she could climb up onto one of the trees and find a safe branch to use as her makeshift bed. It was better than staying on land and being open season for any hungry animal.

She was lost in her thoughts of survival when in the distance, she could hear a familiar voice searching for her. Narda craned her neck to hear better and noticed it was the voice of Ashton.

The blonde haired sixteen year old jumped back onto her feet and waved her hands over her head, hoping that would grab his attention. "Over here!" She called back.

His steps were quicker once he was able to hear her voice, and he followed that very sound past the thick row of trees. He was able to find her after a few moments, and saw her in her swimsuit, with goosebumps covering her skin. She was shivering and she held herself, rubbing her arms up and down to generate some heat. It was no use, the wind produced by the trees was too much for her to keep up with it.

Her blue eyes lit up with relief when she saw him, momentarily forgetting that she was upset at him. She cut the remaining space between them with a few strides and threw her slender arms around him, holding him tight and burrying her face into the bare skin of his chest. "Ashton," She told him with chattering teeth and a shakey voice. "I was so afraid that I would die out here." Narda pulled away from him briefly to look into his hazel eyes.

He cupped her face in his hands and places soft kisses on her face, pausing for a moment before his lips touched her own. "You scared me." He admitted breathlessly. "Why would you think running off into the forest was a good idea?" He held her tight and rested his chin on the top of her head. Even in the air of the forest, he could smell the scent of her shampoo that came off her blonde strands of hair. She had been using the same shampoo for years, coconut.

"I was angry, okay?" She sniffed, and in the next second a melodic laugh escaped her lips.

"Come on," He said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pressing his lips to her temple. She could feel his lips curling into a smile against her skin as he continued, "Lets get back to the cabin before it gets dark. You need to change into something warm before you get sick."

The walk back to the cabin was shorter than they thought. Narda was thankful that Ashton had gone out to find her. As they walked up to the cabin, she saw Luke on the front porch, waiting for them. He got up from his seat on the steps when he saw them approaching. Heaving a sigh of relief, the blue eyed boy said, "I'm so glad you guys are back. I was just about to go out to look for you."

"That's sweet of you, Luke." Narda smiled warmly at him.

"But we're fine." Ashton shot his friend a glare.

The three walked into the cabin. In the livingroom, the two other boys and the three girls were watching scary films with the lights off. They turned, scared by the sudden opening of the front door. "Fucking knock, will you? Don't just barge in, you scared the piss out of us!" Michael yelled, grabbing a handful of popcorn and chucking it at them, but it only fell on the floor between them.

"Want to watch the movie with us?" Calum offered.

Luke agreed and went to sit on the carpet, in front of the television. But Narda shook her head, "No thank you. I'm just going to head up to my bedroom and rest. I'm really tired."

"Me too." Ashton said.

The two teenagers went their separate ways. Narda headed off to her room and Ashton went to the kitchen. He needed something to warm up his system after being out in the cold for hours. He made a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and made his way to the room he was sharing with Luke. As he passed Narda's room, he knocked to check up on her.

The blonde gymnast came to the door in a matter of seconds and her face brightened when she saw who it was. "Hey Ashton." She greeted. She had already changed out of her swimsuit and into some warm pajamas. Ashton had yet to change clothes.

"I just came to check on you." He coughed awkwardly. Offering his warm cup of chocolate, he added, "And I brought you some hot chocolate."

She took the cup in her hands. "Thank you. Well, goodnight." Narda waved goodbye at him and began to close the door.

"Narda." He stopped her, biting down on his lip nervously.

"What's up?" She eyed him curiously.

He walked past her door and cupper her face in his hands, kissing her lips hungrily. She accepted his kisses and pulled him into the bedroom. Ashton locked the door behind himself as Narda led him to her bed. In that moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to be in her arms for eternity.


i haven't updated this in forever. so i'm going to try to update my 5sos fics right now that i'm on vacation. and sorry that the chap was cut there, i don't really feel comfortable writing smut. so bear with me.

thank you for reading.

i love you.

-clary xx

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