Nueve (pt. 2)

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If you want, you can read the last chapter just to get the idea of what's going on (also thank you @blesivdaddy19 for this idea)
M = Maihua
-Y/n & M' s call-
M: hey
Y/n: hey
M: wyd
Y/n: nothing, just waiting for the days to come by so I can see you
M: oh really?
Y/n: duh
M: woah woah don't get too sassy with me
Y/n: I think it's to late for that sweetie ;)
From that, y'all starting calling each other everyday for hours and hours, it never gets old until you had to tell Alex that your moving in a couple of weeks. You didn't expect that reaction and same for him...
Y/n: hey Alex?
A: ya? Wassup?
You sit up and blurted it out.
Y/n: I'm moving to North Carolina......
A: .... why?
⚠️ intense and depressing things⚠️ if you ever feel this way, you guys can always dm me. Yes, we all live in different city's, states, country etc and have different times but that doesn't mean that I won't/don't/can't help you guys w it bc I'm going through it too but anyways back to the story.
Y/n: bc here, just gives me bad vibes all the time and I can't keep the 'happy' side out every time they want me to. It's impossible to be happy here. All I see is fighting, car crashes, sirens, yelling, gunshots and all that Alex. I want to be happy, Ik you do too but sometimes it's just best move for a new, fresh, and better start.... I'm sorry Alex.
A: I understand and I'm very sorry that my home makes you feel that way :( he says while sobbing.


You feel very bad for telling him but also you don't bc he needs to know what happened in your life before you met him then you had an idea.

y/n: wait, how about you move with me?

A: actually, that's a good idea. If we pack up now then we have a better chance of having some time in airport + the flight to find an apartment for me.

Y/n: yeah, let's start.

A: bet

You n Alex started to pack bc the earlier, the better. You called maihua that Alex is coming with you and all that jazz. She said ok and asked some questions that you were ok with, Alex said that he's done packing and that he'll let you finish your with call by packing some of your stuff. You suggested that you guys go to the store since it was 4 pm, just for airplane stuff like, neck rest things (idk), pillows, small snacks, water ofc, headphones, and other things.

One hour later.

Y/n: what time and day should we go?

A: tmr at 10, i'll pay for the tickets.

Y/n: nooooo I want to, I never get to pay for anything.

A: too bad hahahah

Y/n: grrrr next time I will

A: whatever

Y/n: when we get there, should we rent a van or just a regular car?

A: the car sounds best.

Y/n: kk

tbc.... hope yall like this one, ill prolly end this story early bc I want to make a new one but its gonna about maihua :) I hope you guys understand!! ily guys soooo much, have a great night/ day/ afternoon/ morning etc lmao.

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