Chapter Sixty Three • A taste of the past

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Yes, another long chapter "alert" but you are all champions for putting up with my inability to stick to a reasonable amount of words lol. 

I hope you'll like it!

And some amazing news in all of the chaos that is my life; THE PRINCE'S CHOICE placed as one of the winners in the Wattpad Nobel Prize Award (not associated with Wattpad) in the Fiction category! YAY!



A week had passed since they had arrived at the castle. William was almost completely back to normal. He only needed help with getting dressed in the morning. Other than that, he managed to do everything himself. He had even taken up his duties again. Even though it bored Jade half to death to be alone while he was occupied, she was glad that he was back to his normal self again.

For the time being, Jade was standing in their chamber on a little podium. She had been standing here for the last hour while Oliver, Bernard and Geoff were taking her measurements.

"Can I step down now?" Jade asked for the third time. Geoff shook his head, he had needles between his lips, making him unable to answer her.

They have made so many dresses for me, haven't they memorized my measurements by now? She moaned internally.

The tailors had arrived two days ago and had brought all of their tools and trinkets so they could create the dress she was going to be crowned in. The king didn't want to waste any time so he had put them to work immediately.

On their bed the three men swarming around her had dropped an endless amount of fabrics in different colors. Normally, she would have stared at them and wondered which she would like, but now she wanted her husband to walk in and chase the tailors away from her. 

"Raise your arms, dear." Bernard asked of her. Jade did as she was asked, mentally rolled her eyes, and studied him while he measured her right arm with eyes glowing in excitement. 

"The color should be dark red!" Geoff suddenly exclaimed, like it had been on his mind for days. He threw the fabric over her shoulder to show her and waited eagerly for her response. 

"No are you out of your mind? It should be moss green." Oliver objected. "Elizabeth told me that the green one I made for her before she even arrived was her favorite!" He boasted. "She clearly likes green!" 

Why do they not just ask me what I want? Jade wondered to herself but didn't interrupt their argument. She was far to entertained by their meaningless dispute, which was her only source of amusement right now. 

"Well, she ended up wearing the black one I made for her." Bernard beamed with pride. They continued arguing over which color her coronation dress should be.

"That was because Elizabeth chose." Oliver spat back and threw the dark moss green fabric over her other shoulder. It was the same fabric the dress she had wanted to wear back then was made of. 

"Stop your bickering! It must be purple! She is going to be crowned for heaven's sake!" Bernard said and held up a third fabric in front of Jade for her to behold. 

"It's nice." She answered politely. 

"Which one do you want, dear?" Bernard asked her and motioned Jade to look at herself in the mirror in front of her. 

Jade licked her lip and was just about to open her mouth when the sound of the door handle being pushed down. It opened quickly and she drew a relieved sigh at the sight of William. 

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