No feeling

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I'm woken up by loud voices downstairs and groan loud as I feel for my girlfriend I realize she is gone and shoot up with panic. I run and get dressed in sweats and a muscle t then run downstairs only to be met with Carla,Jamie,and Teagan.

I take a deep breathe,go over to Teagan,and peck her lips. "Good morning." "Good morning." I mumble,I walk to the cabinet,take out the vodka,and start drinking straight out of the bottle.

"Baby it's a little early" Teagan takes the bottle and puts it away as I lean on the counter for support. "Can we talk?" I hear Teagan say and I nod even tho my heart just started racing and worry fills my body making my mind race with thoughts.

I follow her to the other room and sit down with her at the dining room table. "So last night Well you asked me to marry you." Teagan breaths out and I'm stunned "I what?" "You-" "yea I got it but when?" "Before you fell asleep" I shake my head "would you?" I blurt out and she shakes her head "no." Woah well that hurt. "Okay then there's no problem." I get up, go to the room,change into skinny jeans,a black t shirt,and some Jordan's. I brush my teeth,put my hair in a high pony tail with my bangs down and go back downstairs. "Where you going?" Teagan asks and I shrug "out." I walk out of the house and start walking to Leanna's.

I pull out my head phones and put on the song drown by bring me the horizon. That really hurt what Teagan said. I'm not okay and I don't know what to do. Why won't she marry me? I'm so stupid for thinking she might.

--at Leanna's

I finally get to Leanna's,walk in,and plop down on the couch. "Leeeeeeee!" I shout and she runs down "boo!!!" I smile wide and she sits on my lap. "Wassup?" She shrugs "nothin just been bored with the usual idiots. "Hey!" Christie and her sister say in unison.

I giggle and shake my head "so why ya here?" Lauren sits on my other lap and I put my hand on her butt. "Smoke some weed in peace." They all laugh and Leanna hands me a pre rolled joint. I spark it and start smoking it inhaling deep.

Teagan's POV.

I wonder where Olivia went it's already 2:30pm and she left at 9:00am. I've tried calling and nothing. Was this because of earlier? The whole will you marry me shit? I would if I were of age and done with school.

Olivia comes through the door stumbling with blood shot eyes. "Hey sexy!" She yells and wraps her arms around me. "Where have you been?!" She giggles "at Leanna's." I blink "why?" "Why won't you marry me?" She slurs her words and lays on the couch. "Because we aren't of age and I haven't finished school." "Then be my fiancé." She passes out and again im left with 100 thoughts.


Olivia starts waking up and I grab her a glass of water. "Huh?" Olivia looks at me "how'd I get home?" I shrug "you walked." She nods and sits up. "Oh baby I'm sorry for getting-" "it's fine" I cut her off and sit by her. "Baby I wanna marry you but when we are of age and I'm out of school."

She nods and I lay on top of her. "But." She looks at me "but what?" She asks eager "I wanna be your fiance." She smiles wide and kisses me hard.

I guess this is it I'll be her fiancé.

AN: sorry it's short writers block sucks

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