Chapter 4

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Third Person's POV

"You know what? Eversince you went home alone from the party a week ago, you became a bit grumpy." Rosé rolled her eyes, as she looked at her best friend.

"Not only grumpy, you became irritable too. What has gotten into you?" Chahee added. Jennie on the other hand just shrugged them both.

You mean eversince she left and never called or visited me like she promised to. Jennie thought and even rolled her eyes.

What do you expect? She might have even forgotten about you already. The negative part of her brain added which caused her to groan.

"See? I think you are already losing it, Jen. What the hell is wrong with you?"  Chahee asked, as she looked at her cousin with concern.

Jennie shrugged. She wasn't in the mood to talk. She doesn't even want to go out of her house. She simply was uninterested.

"Come on Jen, let's go out. Let's go shopping." Rosé suggested, but Jennie just shook her head.

"What is happening to you? This isn't like you Jen." Chahee groaned in annoyance. This is so not like the Jennie she knew. She knew that something was bothering her cousin and she wanted to know. She is like a sister now after all and they don't hide secrets from each other.

"I'm just tired girls, nothing more." It was half the truth. Yes, she is dead tired because of her schedule for the past week, but she also wanted to stay home. What if Lisa decided to visit her today? She can't risk the chance of not being home when Lisa visits.

"Are you hiding something from us?" Rosé questioned, raising her eyebrow at the woman who was still lying down lazily.

Jennie knew her best friends well, and they would finally asked her about this. She was acting strange lately and the two kept on questioning her about this sudden cold attitude of hers. She also knew that she can't keep on lying to them.

"You trust us right, Jen?" The moment Rosé gave her a sad smile she knew she had to tell them.

She sighed and even massaged her temple. What she was about to tell them is really mind blowing.

"I met someone at the party." She started and immediately got the attention of the two ladies. Rosé and Chahee sat beside her on her bed and began to listen attentively.

"Is he handsome?" Chahee asked, even giggling with Rosé. This is the first time they saw Jennie acting this way and it is because of this certain someone.

"You could say that." Jennie answered, and held her pillow harder, as she say the next words.

She's damn beautiful too.

"But, it's not a he. It's a she." She spoke and even closed her eyes, as she waited for their reaction, but then, nothing came. She opened her eyes and saw the two giving her a huge smile and even wriggling their eyebrows.

"I didn't know you go that way." Rosé teased, but Jennie just shrugged.

"I am not gay okay? It's just that, when it comes to her, I can't control myself." Jennie said and the two smiled wider.

"So you are gay, but only for her." Chahee suggested and Jennie nodded. It's the perfect way to describe what she's feeling.

"So how did the two of you meet?" Rosé asked and Jennie had no choice, but to tell them everything, from Kai being a douche to the moment Lisa and her separated.

"Awwwwwwe!" Rosé and Chahee squealed as Jennie finished her story.

"As much as I want to punch Kai for doing that to you. Look at where it led you? It's like destiny working it's magic." Chahee said with dreamy eyes, which made Jennie chuckle.

"That explains why you woke up with a huge smile on your face that day, even if you only had 3 hours of sleep."  Rosé teased.

"And that also explains why you keep on checking your phone from time to time since then." Chahee added and Jennie shyly nodded.

"And that also explains why you are acting very grumpy the past few days, because she didn't do what she promised." Rosé again.

"Okay! Enough you two, stop teasing me." Jennie said, as her cheeks reddens even more.

"But why the hell didn't you get her number?! That's so stupid, Jen." Chahee asked and she can't help but to throw her cousin a daggering look.

"She got lost Cha, got lost in those mysterious eyes." Rosé answered on her behalf, the younger one even quoted the way she explained Lisa's eyes earlier and she can't help but to push her bestfriend away.

"Get out, the both of you." Jennie threatened, but the two just giggled.

"I know it's too early to say this, but I guess you are on your way to falling ." Rosé said and Chahee nodded in agreement.

Jennie felt her heart beat upon hearing her best friend's words. It's too early and she just met her for how many hours.

That can't happen right? She asked herself, but even before her brain could answer. Chahee interrupted her thoughts.

"Wait, what's her name again?" Chahee asked.

"Lalisa Manoban." She stated and the two nodded.

"Manoban, it sounds really familiar. We can't wait meet her. " Chahee said and Rosé agreed.


A/N: That's another chapter. Tell me your thoughts 💕

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