Old Friends: Pt 1. What We Once Were

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Harlem has gone without his medication for a few days. The signs are starting to show. The signs of Dreadmorphis. A bone disease turning one into a monster.

Meanwhile, in the White Pines.

The sun drew it's close on the sky, passing the orange horizon as the stars reclaimed their places in the darkening. The wind was begining to pick up, but still there was movement in the dirt and snowied street of the small town.

Harlem and Anna moved at a steady pace, trying not to draw attention as several Capes moved past them on the far side of the road. Their numbers had risen everywhere in the weeks since the two had escaped Angel. It had been a good choice to exchange their clothes for coats and cowls at the previous town. They blended in finely now, and the garmets were certainly warmer for the young Princess. Even so, they needed shelter for the night. But they would not get it here.

Reign was conducting raids it seemed. Randomly crashing into people's houses and accusing them of holding the fugitives. They seemed to know for a fact that the two were in this little town; an informant in the last town no doubt. They had to get out.

From under the hood, Harlems eyes pierced through the dispersed villagers, searching for Capes. Using the shop windows ahead of them, he scanned their reflections for what was behind them. It seemed that they were safe, but still, it was trouble to move through the main street.

Smoothly, Harlem guided Anna into an alleyway, peering out at the last second to make sure no one had seen them. And then, just as he did, his heart stopped. There, at the far end of the road, making their way into the street, a fleet of Reign Guards. And at their head, leading the fleet, was a boy and a girl. Claire Temeris. And Raymond Heisen. Suddenly, Harlem flashed back.


It was the end of year ball and the Great Hall surrounded them in its white marble. Each of the Sentinels mingled with the aristercrats and high ranking members of the Reign Foundations council, as Harlem stood alone on the far side of the room, beside a set of stairs. Across the room, he watched her. Her hair, swaying short and blonde, was down tonight, a rare sight. And her dress, a blue cocktail. Claire Temeris. In training, a champion, and tonight, beautiful.

"Hey." A small voice suddenly sounded, bringing Harlem out of his trance like state. Before him, a much younger girl looked up impartially. It was the Princess; young Anneliese. Quickly, she flashed Harlem a small piece of food. "Bacon wrapped water chestnut." She advertised before gobbling it up, "Mmmm."
It was like watching an advertisement, or an actor in play. Harlem smiled, amused by her shenanigans. "Want one?" She asked, polightely offering him a second one she had. Harlem smiled, not thinking much of it. "Sure." He chuckled, tossing it into his mouth.

Disgusting. Suddenly a foul taste seeped through his mouth, causing him to grimace.
"Yours was bacon wrapped date. I got you." She announced nonchalantly, strange in her own kind of celebration of the well placed prank. She was weird like that. A normal child like any other, hiding behind a royalty seemingly unwanted by her.

Inconspicuously, Harlem spat the bite into a pot plant beside him. "I'll get you." He glared playfully. "They taste like shit do they not?" She said suddenly, causing Harlem to choke. Quickly, he looked around to make sure nobody had heard the princess swear. "Your Highness, don't-" He tried to warn before being cut off.
"Your Highness, aren't you supposed to be with your father? The dance is about to begin." A slithering voice droned. The man was toned, but aged with short and spiky, grey hair, receding by the day.
"Why don't you leave that to my personal Guards Lieutenant?" Anneliese replied, suddenly sounding very well spoken.

Her final words echoed in Harlems head as the music began and she turned to walk away. "Go get her." She winked. Slowly, Harlem crossed the white marble in his black suit. As he approached, Claire's eyes widened a little before turning to view him.
"Huh." He thought as a strange tingle ran down his arm. "Sharp senses, as always."
Down his arm, his hair stood on end. This was a gift exclusive to only some Sentinels. An ability to sense when another of the same kind was near. Harlem could do it at times, but not anywhere near as well as Claire. She probably felt him before he even saw where she was.

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