remedy//spencer reid

29.3K 240 100

warnings: nightmares

word count: 7.9k


"I can't believe we got these tickets!" Garcia exclaims, bouncing up and down in her seat. "Lottie Ray is one of my favorite singers of all time!"

"We know that, Garcia," Luke laughs, patting her shoulder. "You talk about her all the time."

"Because she's talented and gorgeous and amazing and helps with charities and visits sick children and she's a goddess, Luke Alvez!" Garcia snaps, turning to the backseat to punch his chest a few times. I duck away from the physical violence and knock into Prentiss, apologizing quietly.

"Alright, kids, calm down," Emily laughs. "We don't need any pre-concert injuries."

"Don't make a mess of my car!" Tara warns from the driver's seat.

"If this is any indication as to how the night is gonna go with you two then maybe I should go home," I joke, running my fingers through my newly short hair. I hadn't gotten it cut in a while so I figured now would be an appropriate time.

"So remind me how we're getting backstage?" Luke asks, turning his head to me.

"Backstage passes, that's what I was told," Emily answers with a nonchalant shrug. "FBI privileges, I guess. At least it's good for something."

We arrive at the stadium and park our cars just as Matt and JJ pull up on either side of us with their families piled in their cars, Rossi and Krystall on the other side of one of them. Everyone jumps out of their cars and Rossi starts distributing backstage passes for everyone to wear around their necks, trying to tame the excited kids. They've been raving about this concert for weeks and now that it's here, they can't contain their energy.

"Come on, everyone!" JJ exclaims, waving the kids towards the entrance.

We flash our new badges and security allows us through, then we meet up with another security guard who brings us to a green room filled with a selection of sugary food and drinks that just excite the kids even more. Nobody can seem to contain any of the kids as they go ravaging through the snacks in the room.

"So," the security guard at the door says, "if you all didn't know, the opening act is beginning soundcheck in ten minutes. Lottie Ray will be doing hers right after. You're more than welcome to go and watch if you want. Catering is a few doors down to the right if anyone would like something other than soda or candy, and just ask security if you need anything at all."

We all say our thank you's as the security guard disappears. Kristy and Will start pulling the kids away from the food so they don't make themselves sick. Everyone makes themselves comfortable on the couches, and, of course, Emily locates the wine.

"Is this what it's like to be a celebrity?" Tara jokes as Emily fills up her glass. "I could get used to this."

"We finally understand how Rossi lives," Matt adds on.

"Knock knock," there's a soft voice from the doorway and all our heads whip over.

Lottie Ray is standing in the doorway and I swear, my breath is knocked right out of my chest. I've never seen a more gorgeous human being in my life. Her smile is huge and her green eyes are shining, contrasting against her red satin and lace outfit that fits her perfectly. She's shifting her weight back and forth on her feet, telling me that her heels are hurting her feet, but she looks so happy that it's easy to ignore. Her long brown hair is curled down to her waistline and frames her doll-like face perfectly. She looks sinfully stunning.

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