Last week on earth part one

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"Sir, someone vandalized the wall outside the class room!"
Ida ran into the class room

"Ok, who was it"
Aizawa crossed his arms. K walked into the room covered in spray paint holding two cans of paint. They dropped them on the floor. "Oops"  K sat at their seat and placed a foot on their desk. "Sir aren't you going to do something, their not even wearing the school uniform" Azaiwa just sighed and continued on with the lesson. After class that day they found the teachers lounge window covered in eggs and K walking into the dorms with an egg carton. "What's going on K" Ida walked up to them not happy, "Nothing Sh@t head" K left the room dropping the last of the eggs at Iida's feat covering him in egg yolks.

"What's with them today"
Izuku sat on the couch
"I don't know, I know both of them very well, they would never do something like this"
Mina plopped next to Asui with a bag of chips.
"I don't know but if needs to stop they just ruined my best pair of school shoes"

The next few day were full of K's pranks and school skipping and vandalism. They even got into a fight with Shinso that got him in the hospital.

"Hey wears K"

"Probably skipping class"

"But that's the thing I haven't seen them all day"

"That's strange"

"I'll go look for them"
Izuku headed for Bakugo's dorm and k Ickes in the door. "What do you want!" "Hey it's me Deku can I come in" "Fine sh@tty nerd"
He walked in to find the spiky haired brunette on their bed staring out the window eyes red and blotchy. "We're you crying" "No! What do you want" "I just wanted to know if you were ok you haven't been doing well this past week"

"Deku can I tell you something"

"Sure thing"

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what"
He sat on the chair next to his bed

"Sorry for bullying you, and telling you to kill yourself and all that"

The green haired boy was shocked to hear this

"I just wanted to say that before I..."
K burst into tears hiding their face in their knees

"What's going on K"

"K talk to me"

"I'm sorry"
K buried their face deeper into their knees

"What's going on, you can talk to me, you know that"

K looked up and wiped their tears.
"I'm dying"

"What do you mean"

"The fusion quirk is killing the two of us ok! I can't think straight and my head hurts, and I don't think I'm gonna make it to Sunday!"

"I'm scared, for once I will admit it I'm truly scared, we both are. I don't wanna die yet, I wanna be a hero. We both wanna be hero's"

"Why didn't you tell someone"

"Didn't you hear I'm scared for gods sake"

Deku sat next to K and pulled them tight.
"I don't wanna die"

"It's ok we're gonna find a way to fix this"

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