Apart at last (edited)

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"It didn't work"
K pulled their hand back.
"Kid I'm sor..."

"It's fine, I need to go"
They left the room,
"Well any news"
Izuku walked up to K hoping for the best

"I'm gonna go for a walk"
K pushed past Izuku and headed out the gates hiding their wet face.
They walked passed the alley wear the villain hid and checked for clues.
Nothing, "I guess this is it"
They sat down next to the brick wall.
A strange figure ran past them, "Hey get back here!" K got up and started to run, "Stop!"
K grabbed the figure the shoulder "were do you think you're go..." they were shot back by a sharp glow from the figure. "Hey watch it"
"It's you" "well I guess you caught me,"

Uraraka pov
I wake up, I'm laying on the concrete behind Bakugo, he has villain in his grip. "Good you're awake can you call someone I can't hold him for any longer," "Right" I call the police and go to help Bakugo. "Don't touch him" I rear my hand back "oh yeah not again"
"Boys it looks like we caught him, thank you, you two" "No problem"
I smile and look at Bakugo, "I've never been happier to see you're face" he laughs "I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment"
"Um, we should get back it's getting dark" "yeah right" we start to walk back to the school,
"Wow look at that sunset" we stop and stare past the cherry blossom trees, the sun glows bright yellows ands reds leaking into the big blue sky, "it's so pretty" I look at him he looks back, "Guys I found you..."
"Am I interrupting something" Bakugo's rears back, "No! What are you doing here nerd"
"Looking for you" the green haired boy smiles
I hug him "it's good to be back"

Back in the dorms

"You guys are back"
Kirishima runs up to fist bump Bakugo

"Yeah, and I'm glad"

"I'm gonna go lay down it's been a rough day"
Uraraka smiles and walks up stairs.

She walks into her room and falls into her bed
"Wow it's great to be back"
She hears a nock on the door.
"Come in"
Bakugo opens the door,
"Hey were not dead"
She smiles "I know it's crazy"
"So, you doing anything tonight"
Uraraka's laughs
"I didn't think I'd make it to tonight"
"So that's a no right"

I didn't like the ending. I wanted to make it happy so I fixed it. I also already made a cover for the next book so I had to change it. I hope you like it.

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