Chapter Nine

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Laurie regretted her decision of changing. But, it was better than nothing.

"Eww. What is the fashion from this era?" Laurie shrugged it off as she was determined to break the news to Ben. She slowly walked throughout the hotel rehearsing what she would say. Eventually, she found the confidence in herself to go into the billiard room and face him. She strutted into the room with her head held high. Her skirt and hair flowed behind her. She stood in the doorway looking for Ben. She spotted his blonde hair immediately. He had a shot before playing again. Laurie observed as the other women were politely sitting down while silently supporting their men in the game. Laurie rolled her eyes. She walked up behind Ben. All of the things she rehearsed to say in her head disappeared. She gently tapped his shoulder. He bent over to play again. Laurie slid her hand over his shoulder. He turned around instantly.

"Ben, I really need to talk to you." Ben raised his eyebrows. The other men gave Laurie a look of disgust, while the women sitting down looked rather worried about what could happen to her by interrupting their game.

"About?" A man slid him another shot. Ben drank it instantly, slamming it back on the table.

"It's about us. The engagement, the wedding." Laurie talked with her hands. Ben put his arm around her, leading her into the doorway.

"Honey, you're going to be fine. You're just having pre wedding jitters, but it'll be fine. Everything's taken care of and a dress for you is picked out. " He assured as his breath emanated of alcohol. She cringed at the smell as he started back towards his game.

"No, it's more than that. I just don't - "

"Stop. Everything is set up. I have everything planned."

"But Ben! I need to tell you - "

"Stop it." Ben grabbed her face, kissing her lips sloppy. Laurie pushed him away. As she turned her face, she saw Andrew. In the brief glance passed between them, everything seemed to crumble before them. She could see all that was left unspoken from the single glance of Andrew as he nodded his head in defeat. In a fury, Laurie pushed Ben away.

"No... " Laurie whispered to herself in utter disbelief. All of Laurie's rage and heartbreak from the past filled her back up inside. She was fine letting go of Ben, but Andrew was the light in her life she never wanted to lose. Laurie looked at her engagement ring. She took it off, throwing it at Ben with all the force she had. "The wedding is off." The tears in Laurie's eyes filled up and fell all over her face. She ran after the direction she saw Andrew run towards. Laurie took off her heels as it slowed her down. She ran downhill in front of the hotel towards a grassy meadow. She picked up her skirt, picking up the pace. She spotted Andrew's hair flowing in the breeze as she caught up close.

"Andrew! Stop!" she desperately pleas.

"Don't." He utters under his breath as he turns back for a brief second. He blinked his tears away and continued away.

"Andrew! It's not what you think!"

"I had the most incredible night, with someone I actually give a damn about only to see her kissing another man? It's exactly what I think. It's not only what I think, it's what I saw!"

"No, it's not!" She begs as she grabs his shoulder, turning him around. He looks her in the eyes with tears in his.

"Then what? Please tell me." He slid his hands down his face.

"I was breaking off an engagement."

"You were engaged!? The whole time and you said nothing. Laurie, how could you not tell me?"

"Because I never loved him! Andrew, I love you! I knew from the first moment I got here that I loved you. I'm just afraid. I know that I can't be in love with you." Laurie turned around unable to look in his eyes.

"Then why can't you be with me? I'm right here. I've always wanted to be with you. Why can't we?"

"Because I can't! I'm afraid! What if our love isn't even real?" Laurie's hands flew in the air as her frustration grew in her body, especially her red face.

"We're real. I know I've always loved you."

"I don't even know how I got here. I don't know who I am. Because apparently I'm a professional piano player whose family has a lot of money. And, apparently it's also May of 1911. I am Laurie Wright. I am in love with you. But, I don't know if any of this is real. None of this makes sense. I've been stuck in this parallel world for... I don't even know how long now. Everyone here knows my name! I'm a nobody at home. I'm broken. And, I will admit that I'm afraid to be in love again. I would hate to ruin what we have because of my brokenness. I'm sorry." Laurie started walking away in tears.

"Laurie, what are you talking about?"

"See? I knew you would think I was crazy."

"Laurie, please. Slow down. What's going on?"

"I can't. I'm sorry." Laurie ran back towards the hotel to see Flora. Andrew ran after her, but he wasn't quick enough to catch her.

Laurie found Flora sitting on the piano in the music room.

"Flora! Please, help me." Laurie wiped away another tear as the flow on her face wouldn't stop.

"What's wrong, dear? What happened between you and Andrew? Was it Ben?"

"No. It was all me. I tried explaining my entire mess to Andrew and he thought I was crazy."

"What mess?"

"I've told you before. I'm not actually from here. I don't have any money, I'm now no longer engaged. And, apparently it's 1911 and I'm familiar with current day's time. Everything hasn't been making sense for me. Everything doesn't feel real."

"Laurie, if Andrew truly cared about you, he would be understanding. I'm sure he's just as flustered as you are. That's all. Give it some time. I'm sure everything will be better."

"But, Flora you don't understand. I don't have much time."

"Why not?"

"Because something terrible is about to happen, and I'm the only one who knows about it."

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