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We had ran out of birds to feed the people at the sermons and the only thing we eat now is a roll and the word of God that we read during our time. I have not been able to talk to Gabriel about a plan but I have received word from him that It shall be some time after an upcoming sermon.

I sit in the cafeteria with my group of five now including Mr. Noah and all the guys in the sermon sit at adjoining tables. Our numbers have grown and there was no way that we would be able to smuggle in birds for everyone with such high numbers. We would have killed every fowl of the air and would have to find luck killing deer and wolves but there was no way that we could smuggle animals like that into the prison.

We wont be able to go outside for a while now and there was no way we can keep these men strong only to be kicked back down by the lack of food. That would only make these men hopeless. I can only pray for a solution and hope that Gabriel can help me feed these men.

I sit there in my jail cell alone. My cell mate had died from hunger a few days ago, his body still lays on the top bunk and the room reeks of his decaying body. This is where I have time to think for myself when I don't have a bunch of people looking up to me. I have built up their strength with only a few birds, some prayer and scripture but I don't know how long I can keep up their strength when they have no food to nourish their temples.

I look up to the ceiling. I see nothing but darkness and void. I can't even see my own hand in front of my face. My doubt had started to overcome me and I started to think that maybe I couldn't lead thousands of men to freedom. What if we die in the process.

"You complained about a smell." I hear Gabriel's voice say in the dark.

I look out to where the door of the cell would be and smiled at how right on time he was.

"Yes there is a dead body in my cell."

"Let's carry it out shall we."

I nod my head. He opens the door and we carrying the body to a descrete hallway in the back of the prison where they keep the dead bodies. The hallway sees a sliver of light coming from a room down the hallway. We walk towards that room and peep into the crack. The room had body parts of men cut up in pieces in a science lab type of room. I drop the body and back up in horror. I back up into a body but not alive bodies, dead bodies, stacked up on top of each other. I wanted to scream but I was choking on the smell of decaying body and blood. Gabriel grabbed my hand and led me into a empty room I desperately gasped for clean air. The door shut behind us and Gabriel turned on the light and turned off each security camera.

"What the hell was that." I say to him.

"The reason why I came to get the body. I wanted to show you."

"Show me what?"

"The new meat science has came up with." He says quietly.

I stand there disgusted at the thought of seeing people in the cafeteria eating their inmates

"Science has become desperate." He says "They have ran out of food to feed the people."

"They should be brought back to the dust."

"Yes, yes I know."

I shake my head.

"You have to help these men. Tell them not to eat the meat. Continue to feed them what you have been feeding them." Gabriel says

"I can't feed them that stuff anymore. I have no way of getting the animals to them. Plus we have ran out of food to feed them."

Gabriel ponders in thought for a second.

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