lets start off with sumthin stupid

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Samantha's pov.

So I was with my friend Colt looking for his dumb cat, because it ran away. I was starting to get annoyed with the way he was rambling to himself. "Hey could you oh I dont know shut up?!" I said angrily. "I-I'm sorry Sammy.."
He said sad and slow. I almost felt bad about it but I was cut off by tripping over a vine. "Sam are you alright?!" Colt asked sounding concerned. "Never better dude" I say sarcastically and stand up putting a fake smile on to hide the fact I was about to cry. He looked at me and frowned. "If you say so..anyway mom said that I had to be back home by dinner so we should hurry." I put a hand to my mouth and soon figured out that I lost a tooth."oh this is great I lost my freaking tooth!" He shushed me and took a few quiet steps forward and looked almost scared. "Uh bro what's wrong? Is there a body or an alien. Ooo is it a cabin tell me it's a cabin!" I whispered

Colts POV.

What the hell is this? Is dat a crab..a spider..a crab spider?whatever it is it's like 4 foot tall and it's eating...a squirrel? *el ghasp* that's my cat! THAT ROACHCLOWN ATE MY CAT! I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn to see samantha looking at me with a confused expression."colt my dude what's wrong?" She whispered. After my explanation of what I saw  (and some tears cause he's a softie for animals). She looked at me with a soft expression and apologized. When I turned around I saw the creature thing lookin at us with its beady eyes and then it came running. "What the fuck is that thing!" I heard my friend yell behind me and grabbing my wrist to pull me along behind her. When I saw what she was doing I immediately thought she was going crazy. She was running straight to a river,like what.the.heck.was.she.thinking. and then she jumped in and swam at an angle to get across. Was she expecting me to do the same cause like....no just no. "Just get in the fucking water dipstick!" She unholy screeched at me and I did. Like a retarded cockroach. Yay. . . Next thing I knew I was on the other side of the river. I looked around to see samantha with her signature machete, threatening the spider crab thing to fight her. And it did(insert goat screaming) "that's right you little rat come and fight me!!" She screamed getting ready to attack

Samantha POV.

Welp that worked out now Colt is safe and I'm probably going to get killed..welp let's try this anyway.. I get ready to attack and BOOM skitta pow I swiggity stabbed that spider crab mutant. And now I'm going to die yayyy. I heard colt yelling and throwing rocks at the crab and oh I'm pissed "COLT YOU SON OF A-" the crab whacked me and I fell. Colt then realized he fucked up. He had no weapons.

Colts POV.

Ok so there is a waterfall near by.. if I can lure the thing over there maybe I can get it to fall down the waterfall. Well I really don't have a choice its get killed by spider crab thing or get killed by drowning. With that I run off calling the crab over to me while I'm running(running running as fast as we can🎶) and I can hear the roar of the waterfall ahead of me so I run faster. The crab right on my heels. when I was about two feet from the ledge i make a sharp turn right. it makes a loud shrieking noise as it runs over the edge and falls. It spits a weird grey blob at me and with that its gone falling down the waterfall.(insert piano man) I noticed my leg burns a little and looked down to see the grey blob burning on my flesh and I ghasp.

Samantha POV.

"Where is he, is he okay, did he die, is he hurt, my leg hurts." Yeah I fell earlier on my machete stabbed myself in the leg like a smart person. I can't believe I was so clumsy. I stop and put a hand on my head.i was starting to feel sick.and I look down and notice my camo pants are dripping with a crimson liquid so I suck it up and head to the waterfall.
Ok so when I arrive I see colt frantically washing his leg and I look over at the bottom of the waterfall to see the crab scurry away...shit in the direction of town too..convenient. I was snapped out of my thought by a drenched hand on my shoulder and i let out a demonic scream. "Chill! Please calm down! It's me Colt!" He says trying to keep me calm and I explain how I got impaled with my machete(oh no I've been impaled) and then how the crab went towards town and he stiffened. "Oh no that's not good...." I grab his wrist and start heading downhill towards town. When we got there sure enough the screams of people were heard echoing in the sky..

Colts POV.

Was that a dead person?! Oh god what have I done..i don't feel to good. Oh god yep I'm done I can't believe I did this to these people....I look over at samantha and see her with an unreadable expression..like the one she has before she does something stupid.  I see her walk away to find her mom and hand her a gun and start talking to her about something..then she left and drew her weapon..oh shit is she going to fight it!"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SAM!?" she looks at me and smiles "trust me okay?" She called out to me. Then she yelled for the monster to come and get her. She waited for the crab to come for her smiling the whole time. When it did show up it was from the side and knocked her over.. the next thing I know a loud piercing noise ripping through the air. I looked up to see the crab spider dead and samantha's mom holding a gun still pointing at the crab thing. when I got closer I saw sam poking the bullet wound fascinated with the yellowish orange liquid seeping out of it. And all I could do was smile. And then my leg hurt again..

I don't care if it's bad or not because I'm hella tired and I have a super bad headache and everyone around me is singing karaoke..hey it was fun to write at least.. ok I might post again soon(I almost doubt it lol) anyway thanks for reading this trash. It's appreciated? Also the trash art at the top is mine.

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