this is based on a dream

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Clare's pov.

I woke up my head feels fuzzy, and my legs weak, arms are heavy. I throw the covers aside and stand up steadying myself while getting slightly dizzy. After the dizziness fades a little I trudged into the kitchen looking for the cat food. "Hey stephanie, where's the cat food?" She walks into the room and looks at my like I'm stupid."why would we need cat food? We don't own a cat dude." I look at her ,confusion written all over my expression."the hell we don't, I saw the damned thing yesterday!" She frowns and calls out the "cats" name. Before I knew it a hideous thing  came into the room and I backed away. "What the hell is that thing! Get it the fuck out of here!" All I saw was a bird with no wings, it had 4 legs, and sharp teeth. "Calm down dumbass we've had Angus for years." When the thing comes towards me I jump on the countertop. "You better get that little shit away from me before I punt it across the room!" She picked up the creature and walked towards me."here hold it, they don't bite" I hesitated but held the little shit anyway.. I started to puzzle it together if birds are like our cats then....I put the bird thing on the ground and look in the sky. Sure enough I saw cats without front legs, and they had wings.."what kind of twisted ass world is this?" I say, frustration laced with my voice. "What do you mean claire?" I jump forward and pull out a pocket knife turning around to see stephanie. "WHAT THE HELL!" Her face was literally falling off and her arm was nothing but bone. I back up a little and she jumped at me. By reflex I stabbed her in the gut, when she pulled back I stabbed her in the head. When she hit the ground I kept apologizing but then I just didn't care..I turned around to see more people just like her coming at me so I readied my blade.
~time Skip brought to you by bird cat~

     I sat there staring at the sky, leaning against a tree. I laugh a little, but those laughs turn into pained coughing.. I look at my abdomen and see my blade still stuck in my skin.."just great.." I frown when I try to stand and fall backwards and cry out in pain. "Come on, you got this, you can do this, I believe in you!" I try to stand up again and actually did it, but soon enough all feeling to my legs vanished. I fell forwards this time plunging the knife deeper into my abdomen. I decided enough is enough, and pull the weapon out with no hesitation. I put my hand over the wound in an attempt to stop the crimson liquid from soaking my clothing. I soon had a strong metallic taste in my mouth, and a heavy wave of pain hit me like a ton of bricks. "I'm sorry stephanie..that was messed up but your friends took care of karma for you...hehehe just don't forget you were my friend..I don't say that much...but anyway I'm going to take a little nap wake my up in a bit ok?" As I was slowly losing consciousness I could have sworn I heard her voice saying she'll wake me up in an hour.."thank" I said finally slipping away from reality. Then I woke up..

Hey people it me ya boi.. this was based on my dream from a few days ago..all my dreams are like this I have no idea why. But anyway thanks for reading(if you read it lol) oh yeah, every story is different than the previous one, but like yea I just write about weird stuff that popped into my head.(insert rich person voice)good day fine lads thank you for reading (daintily throws black and red glitter around)

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