1 - Kikimore

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Spending her day walking through a stinking, muddy, bug-infested swamp was not the way Eyylin had wanted her day to start. Though she figured most people would agree. If she had a choice, she'd have arrived at Blavikin by now and be soaking in a hot bath. 

Unfortunately, the town was another two hours' walk and she had no coin for the bath she desired either. 

And so, into the swamp, she went, and here she was. Muttering a few small curses when her boot would get stuck in the mud. Dancing around roots and vines that snaked the ground, and keeping an ever-watchful eye out for a patch of water large enough to hold her target. 

Though, she was unsure of how she'd even get the corpse of the Kikimore to the alderman should she find one. Killing it wouldn't be an issue, but she had no horse. Her previous mare had been stolen at an inn a few towns back, and she didn't have the gold to buy herself a new one. Since then she had been on foot, which was fine but much slower in travel. 

It also made doing her kind of job harder. How are you supposed to go out and kill monsters for money if you cant get the proof you've killed it back to the person who hired you. Maybe she'd get lucky and someone would have just happened to lose their horse in this swamp. The idea humored her but wasn't based in reality. 

As time passed the thought of giving up firmly planted itself in her mind. Though the want of a bath pushed her forward. She groaned in frustration at her situation, and the splash of water that had made it onto her cloak and into her boot. 

Abruptly the quiet swamp went silent as her ears picked up a new, and not swamp-related sound. Faint hoof steps.

Whipping her head around Eyylin was met with a figure walking out of the fog, horse in tow. The man wore a dark cloak. The way it hung on his body showed the quality of armor underneath. He was dirty, and his white hair had almost started to look a greying brown from the dirt mixed throughout. The chestnut mare carried supplies, herbs, food, rope and other necessities. Aside from all that was the two swords, one shining silver. Those are what truly caught the girl's eye.

At the same moment that she had seen him, the man also noticed her. There was a pause as they both assessed the situation ahead of them. He clearly was sizing her up, and trying to discover what a woman like her would be doing out here in a swamp. All while she was starting to panic at the realization of what he was. 

Golden eyes. Shit. 

Another moment of silence passed before the man spoke. 

"These swamps are dangerous. You should leave." As he started speaking he also started moving again, in her direction but with the clear intention of passing her. "Kikimore live here, you don't want to be their dinner." His voice was low and stern, but kind in its messaging. 

"Ah, so you saw the flyer from Blavakin as well?" She tested his response for a moment before continuing. "I wasn't intending on spilling the coin for it but if you are willing to help then I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement." She ensured that a slightly joking tone was carried across her words. Implying she'd rather he just leave the monster to her. She smiled sweetly as the man frowned, then sighed. 

"It will kill you. Go home." This time he finally walked past her. In turn, she pivoted and started following him. Part of her screamed to walk away but she ignored it. I need the horse to get the body back, and the money for a goddamn bath.

The man sighed again as soon as he heard her follow. "Monster hunting is no job for little girls." This time the tone was of warning. She hummed in agreement. 

"Good thing I'm not a child, Witcher."

"Seem as smart as one."

She feigned insult and gasped. "How rude, and we've only just met." The slightest hint of a smile graced the man's lips for a moment but was gone so fast Eyylin assumed she must had imagined it. 

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