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"Bogum is such a dick, Taehyung! I don't even know why you hang out with him!" Jin sighed, mixing the cake batter.

"Yeah, he's actually a massive prick." Namjoon agreed. "Like who thinks it's okay to force a relationship on someone? It's so bad, Tae. I don't know why you don't see it."

"That's such a big red flag; what more could you possibly want? The whole red flag factory?" Jin laughed.

"B-but we have some nice times." Taehyung meekly interjected. "A-and he's really sweet sometimes too. Plus  he's okay with the fact I have a son."

"Yeah, but he treats Junnie like he's a grown man, when he's not even 5 yet. He expects too much from both of you." Jin said.

"And he hates desserts!" Namjoon said. "What kind of person doesn't like dessert? A child of Satan, that's who."

Jin looked over at his friend, who was clearly upset.

"Listen, TaeTae. I know you want to give Junnie a good childhood, but you don't need another parent to help you do that. It's fine if you want to get back into dating, but it has to be for you, rather than for Junnie. Okay?"

"Yeah, I understand. It's just hard to find someone I like who is okay with Yeonjun. I just want him to be happy and safe. Completely safe. I-I can't go through that again, Jinnie, I-I can't." Taehyung began to hyper ventilate.

"Hey, Hey. Taehyung, it's okay. It's alright. Just breathe, yeah?" Namjoon said. "You're safe here, Tae, okay? No one's gonna hurt you."

Namjoon gave Taehyung a big hug and scooped him into his arms.

"It's alright, Taehyungie. D'you wanna go and get a new lollipop?"

The young father sniffed and nodded.

"Cmon then. Jin will bring Junnie downstairs, okay?"


Taehyung calmed down once Yeonjun was in his arms and was clearly okay. They took a few minutes to relax and feel better, before continuing to work on the pastries.

Yeonjun sat on a chair, wide awake now and content with holding BunBun and watching his father.

"Anyways, wasn't Yoongi supposed to be coming?" Jin asked.

"He was but he probably ditched us for Jimin." Taehyung laughed.

"No surprise there."

"He's so whipped."

The three friends continued to chatter and laugh, making cookies and cakes until the clock hit 7:58pm.

Taehyung sighed.

"Yeonjunnie is never gonna go back to sleep now." He glanced over at his kid, who was happily munching away on an oatmeal cookie. He whined occasionally but Taehyung thought nothing of it; Yeonjun whined at basically everything.

"And he has school tomorrow."

"Well shoot."

"You can say that again."

"Well sh-"


Taehyung chuckled softly at Jin and Namjoon bickering, and went over to his son.

Taehyung scooped up his son and sat him on his lap, happily taking a bite of the cookie Yeonjun held to his mouth.

"Jinnie, this tastes different. Did you change the recipe?" Tae asked.

"Well not really. I just added some honey."

Taehyung gasped, shooting up from his seat and frantically trying to get Yeonjun to spit out his snack.

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