Chapter 2

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I thought this would be a regular nightclub. I should've had paid attention to the signs though. The giggling girls, the excessive amount of people, even for a nightclub, especially for a secluded club, where there are many famous nightclubs in the middle of the city, the price... well actually I don't frequent nightclubs (except when forced) so I don't really know the average price. Still I wouldn't be prepared for this. This wasn't a regular club. It was a strip club. A male strip club. As soon as we made it through the short black hall, we were bombarded with neon lights, blasting music and the smell of alcohol. Also the absurd amount of half-naked males dancing around and serving drinks. The room was somewhat spacious and large, with several lounges and table areas, where people would just sit and drink. There where poles standing around, some empty, some being used, and the bar was just across the room. But what surprised me most about this room though, was the tents placed around. I could see lights coming from inside some, and people leaving out of them, so I guessed they were for private shows or something.

I sighed. This is worse than I thought. As if the uncomfortable feeling from my "too-much-revealing" clothes and the pain from my heels weren't enough... She grabbed my hand and slightly pulled me more inside, accidentally brushing through some girls in our way. "RM!" She suddenly screams and dragged me by the hand to some unknown direction. After tripping and almost falling from being pushed and dragged so much, she eventually stops in front of purple haired man. "Eli! You came back again! Oh, you brought a friend today?" He asked. After I caught my breath, I finally looked more attentively at the man in front in me. He had a tan skin, a wide and "egg shaped" head. He smiled which made me notice his dimple. He was wearing an unbuttoned black shirt and black jacket and sporting a dark pants, contrasting with his white choker. In the end his overall look screamed of "Daddy!". Which is something I understand Eli for liking. "Yes. She's my best friend. I finally convinced her to come!" She beamed up. Yep, she was head over hills for him. "What's your name?" He asked. "Y

". "I'm RM. So this is your first time in this kind of place?" He asked. "Yeah...I wasn't even expecting this. Nobody told me where we were going." I glared at the girl beside me, but she was too caught up in staring at the man in front of us. He laughed. "You're a sneaky girl, Eli. You should've had told your friend you were coming here." The purple haired man commented. "If I did, she would've refused." She glared back at me. Wtf? "Hey, if you see someone that you like, tell me and I'll present them to you. Ok?" He smiled. "Hey, why?" Eli complained. "It's her first time here! "RM explained. "I didn't get that right when it was my first time here." She whined. I soon logged off of their conversation. They were already too busy talking and flirting to notice me, and it's not like I want to get in either. I sighed in frustration. It's always like this. She meets some hot guy and starts flirting and I'm soon forgotten. I just don't like these kinds of environments! I'm starting to think she only brings me as a wing woman so she can look prettier, or flirtier, one of the two.

I turn my back and start to walk towards the exit, frustrated. I have the car keys, because I always make sure I do, because of these situations. She has enough money to get a cab. So no worries. I rush my pace, my heels (and my inexperience in them) not helping, but I wanted out of here as soon as possible.

However I stop midway. Usually I wouldn't have problems with this since parties were usually free to enter but... today she actually paid for me to be here. She willingly paid around 50 dollars for me to be here. It wasn't a lot, sure, but she still paid them. And I was here like, ten, fifteen minutes? I felt a little bad for it. But at the same time, I wanted out.

As I was still figuring out what to do, an angelic voice was heard. "Miss? Are you alright? Do you need help?" I turned around to find a young man. The first I noticed was his ears. His bunny ears. Pink and fluffy. One slightly more drooped than the other but still tall. Then his hair, his fluffy, slightly messy brown hair. It looked so soft. Then his face. His angelic , square face with his doe like brown eyes, that honestly looked like a galaxy, currently looking at me in worry. His twitchy, cute nose and his small,thin but kissable mouth. His strong neck, covered with a black choker, currently dangling a heart shaped lock. His torso was covered by a large white sweatshirt but I could tell he had broad shoulders and muscled arms. I couldn't look more down (for polite purposes) but at the corner of my eye, I could see that underneath the sweatshirt he was only currently wearing a pair of black boxers. "Miss? Miss are you alright?"

Magic Shop | JJK☆ Stripper!auOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora