02 - once upon a doppelgänger

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A throbbing pain is what registers in Murphy's mind. An ache so sharp that a ringing begins in his ears and he lets out a guttural groan. His eyes blink open blearily, the bright light from the window burning his eyes.

"One more thing. Come closer, please." A man's voice beckons, tone sinister, gaining Murphy's foggy attention immediately.

He sits up, gasping at the pain in his head. It feels as if a bowling ball had been swung repeatedly at his head while he was unconscious and then left to rest on top of him, weighing down on his skull.

"Closer." The voice comes again from behind Murphy.

He spins around and gulps harshly as he notices he's in the trunk of a car - an SUV to be exact. His mum had the same one, with the same tinted windows and soft grey interior.

A movement to his left catches his attention and he notices a body resting beside him, with blood on the sleeve. Murphy gulps, recognising the straight brunette hair. Elena.

He rolls her over onto her back and checks her for major injuries. After a cursory glance, Murphy shuts his eyes in relief when he sees her only injury is a bump on the head. She was okay.

He peeks over the backseat head rest, heart racing as he sees an unknown man drinking the blood of the masked one - vampire. They needed to get away from him.

Murphy glances around wildly, knowing he needed to act fast to get them both out alive. Elena wasn't awake to help, so he was on his own for the time being. His eyes seek out the emergency handle attached to the boot door. It was built into newer models incase of situations like these, Murphy believed.

Without a second thought, he grabbed Elena's arm with one hand, slinging it over his shoulder and popped the boot with the other. He could hear commotion behind him but paid no attention to the ever present danger. He just needed to get them out.

Murphy stumbles out of the boot and limps away half dragging and half carrying Elena - his injuries and dizziness making it harder than usual.

A loud thump echoes behind him before a gust of wind follows. Murphy gulps and speeds up, knowing his efforts were futile considering he was a human going against a vampire.

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet, boy," the man's voice from before growls and a sharp punch hitting the back of his head knocks him to the ground.

Murphy falls down, taking Elena with him in his grasp as he is once again, knocked unconscious.


Murphy wakes up to find himself staring at an off-white ceiling with a sore neck and pounding head. It feels like he's lying on a couch, but he doesn't remember going home. The last thing he remembers was... those men!

He shoots up into a sitting position crying out softly as his head pounds harder and he goes to lift his hand up to his head to hold it, but he can't. His arms are bound by rope and tied behind his back with his feet also bound. Must be why he was so uncomfortable.

His vision clears a bit and he notices a shiny liquid coating the ropes, a liquid that suddenly burns his skin like acid. He recognised the blistering on his skin as a vampire's reaction to vervain and Mason's to wolfsbane but he was human. Did they actually put acid on him?

"Ahh," he cries, his throat aching in protest.

He wiggles his arms a bit to see if the ropes would loosen like in those action movies, he watches but all it does is add more pain to the injury.

He hears a door opening and two voices. One male and one female. He glances around the room to see Elena shaking from fear beside him on the couch. Murphy has a sudden urge to jump up from the couch noticing the thick layer of dust and grime, ew.

ONCE UPON A REBIRTH, kol mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now