2 | I can't remember anything

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"Okay, I've layed her to rest in my room. Please tell me you've come up with a plan Freya" asked Rebekah,
"Sort of, we know that she's susceptible to compulsion, so well use that to calm her down but there's no way we can control her until we know what she is".  Not a moment later, the sound of the entrance door unlocking and swing open was herd.
"Hello, mom? Wait Dad? What's going on?" She questioned walking in on all the adults circled in the middle of the room.

"Princess, mom is going to take you out for the day and you can do what ever you like" Klaus answered, "I am? Oh yes we are" Hayley proceeded, "No! I can tell you're up to something, especially considering Dad and Aunt Bex are her at the same time

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"Princess, mom is going to take you out for the day and you can do what ever you like" Klaus answered,
"I am? Oh yes we are" Hayley proceeded,
"No! I can tell you're up to something, especially considering Dad and Aunt Bex are her at the same time. Plus it's spring break and I want to spend time with my whole family"
"Hope, there's something we have to deal with that does not concern you" Klaus answered in a soft fatherly tone,
"Concern me? Dad I haven't herd or spoken to you in years and now you're brushing me away like it never happened!" She could feel tears bubbling up,
"Sweetheart, we can talk about this another time but there are more important things I have to deal with"
"More important than your own daughter?" Hopes voice softened as her tears had finally risen to her eyes. "You shouldn't stayed away" she stated as she turned around and walked back out the door. Hayley let out a sigh "I'll fix that if you fix what ever the hell is sleeping upstairs" she said as she grabbed her jacket to follow Hope.
"It's okay Klaus, she's a teenager. These breakdowns are bound to happen, especially with a Mikaelson witch. Let just get on with this" Freya spoke trying to get back Klaus' attention.


Rebekah pulled a chair beside the girls sleeping body, then slowly touched her to wake her up. Her eyes fluttered open yet again, she was already more calm with only Rebekah in sight.
"Where am I?"
"You're in the Mikaelson's house... in New Orleans. Now before we continue, do I have your permission to compel you to be calm?"
"Compulsion? Why? What did I do?"
"Well, you freaked and did a whole bunch of silly nonsense"
"Okay, you can compel me" she said somewhat unsure,
"You will remain calm throughout our entire conversation, no matter the topic or who enters the room" .
The girl then looked towards Freya as she sat on the bed and Klaus who stood in the door way, a distance apart from Rebekah.
"Now darling, what is your name?"
"Olivia..." she looked down confused why she could not remember her last name,
"Just Olivia?"
"Well Olivia, I did a spell about a month ago to track down the most powerful people on the plant. Your were by far the brightest light to appear. Do you know what you are?" Asked Freya,
"I... ah, not really. I know that I can move things with my mind and I can make people see things, but that all"
"Olivia, when I was looking for you, you were running from someone. Do you know who?" Asked Klaus from the door way,
"Yes, Eliana. I don't know who she is or what she can do, but she's been tracking me. The last time I saw her I was in Madisonville, that was just under a week ago."
"If someone is tracking you, you can't stay here. Not while Hope is home"
"Who is Hope?"
"Hope is his daughter and our niece, she's about the same age as you" Freya answered,
"Yes and you are not going near her until we know more about you" Klaus responded in a harsh tone,
"We just want to make sure you won't hurt us"
"I didn't mean to do what I did downstairs. I just got scared. I've been on the run since I woke in a coffin a month ago. I cant remember anything other than having this intense urge to get away from Eliana—" their conversation was interrupted by Klaus phone ringing.
"Hayley, were sort of in the middle of something"
"Yeah well Hope decided she wanted to help after I told her about the girl and ran off without me, I'm reminding you know to keep your distance when she arrives—"
"Dad? Freya? Where are you?" Hope was calling from the foyer.
"And here comes the storm" he hung up the phone.
Hope walked into Rebekah's bedroom and was startled at Olivia sitting in on the bed.
"You? You're the girl always dying in my dreams"
"WHAT?!?" Everyone said simultaneously.


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Idk if you can tell but this is set in the middle of The Originals Season 5, before anyone has died but while the hollow is still in them.

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