4 | Butterflies and Fairy Dust

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"Olivia, you're going to be staying with Rebekah and Marcel for tonight. It's just so that we can set up a clean bed and room for you at the compound. Head straight to that massive tree where Rebekah is and you'll drive down to their apartment" Hayley said while pointing at Rebekah, who was waving at them.


"Hmmm, why don't we call you Via for short? How does that sound?"
"Ahhh great"
"If you had to guess how old you are in human years? What would you say?
"I don't know, how old do I look to you?"
"About the 15 to 18 year old range"
"Well considering I can't remember anything, you can classify me as a new born baby"
That earned a small giggle from Rebekah and a soft smile from Via.
"Rebekah, can I ask you something?"
"Of course"
"Why can't you, Klaus and Hope go near each other?"
"... in a very simplified version, about seven years ago. There was a very powerful and old witch; she contained a type of magic called the Hallow, which needed a human host to be free. Hope being a tribrid, meant her body was the most suitable but that meant we would never see a conscious Hope again. We couldn't kill the Hollow, so instead it was split into the four of us"
"Yep, Klaus, Elijah, Kol and me, we are all siblings including Freya"
"Holy shit that's a lot of kids"
"Yeah. Now every time we get together or go near Hope, the hollow could become strong and pretty much destroy the world"
"Doesn't that mean you've missed out on 7 years of Hope's life?"
"Unfortunately yes, but I'm only her aunt and it's taken a harsher toll on Klaus, her actual father"
"Yeah, but how do you actually feel about it?"
That took Rebekah back for a second. No one had ever really asked her about how she felt about not seeing her niece. Sure Marcel had asked about Klaus and Elijah, but not the small baby that she had raised and hidden for months. She took a moment to compose her self.
"... it hurts. I mean video chats and phone calls keep us connected but bloody hell, it's never enough. I miss wrapping my arms around that sweet, sweet girl and I miss teaching her how to dress fancy... It's impossible for me to have children of my own, but for a moment I was okay with that, 'cause we all had Hope. She belonged to all of us. Now she doesn't. And it'll never go back to the way it was, not while I have this 'thing' in me."
There was a moment of silence between the two. The topic had gotten too deep, that neither knew how to respond.

"But let's talk about something a little more happier. What's the coolest thing you've discovered since you've been awake"
"OMG ICED TEA! Like what? How did anyone think to put ice in hot tea? Also coffee is such an interesting taste but I'll admit I get really fidgety after"
"Oh that's caffeine love, it's supposed to keep you awake"
"I've also discovered this"
Via put her hands together and...

 What's the coolest thing you've discovered since you've been awake""OMG ICED TEA! Like what? How did anyone think to put ice in hot tea? Also coffee is such an interesting taste but I'll admit I get really fidgety after""Oh that's caffeine love, ...

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The butterflies danced around Rebekah's head. It looked like fairy dust was sparkling off them but would eventually fade to nothing. The amount of beauty and realism was astonishing to Rebekah, who had never in 1000 years seen anything like it.
"What in the world..."
"Remember when I said I wasn't a witch? Well... I don't think I'm human either"

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