Chapter 1| Ava

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    I was only 2 when my parents died. They drowned. My older brother was only 5. My aunt and uncle took us in, and when Jeffery turned 14 he started taking care of me. Now he's 18, and I'm 15 years old and still living with my aunt and uncle. I was in bed when Jeffrey came to get me.

"Ava, get up. It's time to do chores," he said, sitting on my bed, shaking me. I didn't move. "Ava, honey, come on, get up." He shook me a little harder.

"Mmmmhnn," I grunted.

"Get up." He got up and walked out of my room.

I got up and got dressed in a light blue tank top and jeans. I walked down the stairs to find my brother cooking.

"What are today's chores?" I asked.

"Just the normal everyday stuff," he said, getting me a plate of food.


"You're welcome." The room was quiet. 

I got up to put the plate in the sink when I started to feel dizzy. I fell to the ground in the kitchen. This happened a lot. I didn't know how, and I didn't know why. It got annoying a lot. My cousin, Jade, walked in.

"Help me get her to the couch,"Jeffery sighed. "Get some water and a towel," he said.

"On it," Jade said and brought me some water and a towel.

"Why does this keep happening to me?" I asked. Jeffery was sitting on the couch dabbing the towel on my forehead.

"It's probably someone trying to take over your mind," Jade said, her voice cold, and her grey-blue eyes searching the room. 

"Who would want to do that? I'm dumb anyway," I smarted off.

"No you're not. And it's not that hard for someone to do it, so don't ask who, but why," She told me. I got up from the couch, seeming to startle Jeffrey. 

"I am dumb, and I did just ask why. You said it's because someone's trying to take over my brain, but why would they do it?" I said, walking to the stairs.

"Because if it's someone else doing something then the person controlling them can't get caught," Jade explained.

"I don't believe you, Jade!" I yelled, going to my room. I slammed my door shut, but opened it again and watched what was happening downstairs.

"It is kinda hard to believe, Jade," Jeffery said.

"That's because it's not true. I made it up. There are ways to get into someone's head, and this is one of them."

"Jesus, Jade, how do you know all this crap?" Jeffery asked.

"It doesn't matter. I just do. Like I said, I made it up. But getting into people's heads is still easy,"  Jade replied.

"And how would you know that? Plus if you're making it up then stop. I have had enough with your silly games that just piss Ava off," Jeffery said.

"That's kinda the whole point. But part of what I said is true. Now which part I'll let you figure that out on your own."

"Jade, you're just full of yourself playing silly games. Come on. It's the real world here." He flicked Jade in the forehead. "Get of your own world, and stop scaring Ava." 

"I'm well aware that this is the real world. It's why she should be scared. There are things in this world that people can't explain, and it slowly kills you," Jade said. 

"Whatever. Believe what you want," he said. I was writing in my diary by the time they were finished with their little argument. 

Dear Diary,
I know you can't change the past, but I really need my parents. I love Jeffery and Jade, but they're scaring the crap out of me. Do I have cancer? Should I believe what Jade is saying? Or should I believe Jeffery? Help me you stupid book!

I wrote all my thoughts down in my book, and if Jeffery or Jade read this book I think I might just die. Probably literally. I messed around on my computer for a while until everything went dark again.

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