Chapter 35| Jade

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  I woke up at like 2am. I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw at school. It was really starting to mess with my head. Telling the future was. Every time I saw it people were dead and or dying. It was horrible. Luka appeared.

"So join us or stand down, Jade?" She asked.

"Neither. You can't make me switch sides or just let this happen. If I don't become a full demon and you win then I die. So would Ava and Martha," I said, not taking my eyes off her.

"That's such a pity because you and Ava both said the same thing and Ava payed the consequences," she smiled.

"What do you mean by that? What are you planning? What consequences?" Fear struck through me. I tried hiding it, but like usual, I failed.

"I mean you little toy, Ava, is unconscious right now but she thinks she's sleeping," her smile widened.

"What did you do to her?" I said. If Justin wasn't asleep then I'd probably been yelling. 

"In order for me to get into her pretty little head of hers I knocked her out with stress and Andrew is not even awake to make sure she's okay," Luka's face went into a frown.

"Well when will she wake up?" I asked. 

"That's not for me to decide maybe I'll just kill her," Luka said smiling again. No. This can't be happening.

"Then who's the one that decides?"

"Her of course. But she will probably wake up bleeding to death or burns all over her body."

"Why would you do that?" Great, so Luka's just like freaking Lekay. Crap! "What do you want?"

"Because it's fun watching her suffer while you can't do anything." Shit! She found my weakness when she was in my mind. Well I'm screwed and Ava's screwed. Actually we all are.

"What do you want?" I asked again, my breathing shaky.

"That's for me to know and you to figure out," she disappeared. Surrender or stand down. That's what she wants. I got out of bed and ran downstairs. Ava was laying on the floor. 

"Andrew! Wake up it's Luka!" I shouted in Andrew's ear. His eyes shot open.

"1. Did you really have to yell in my ear? 2. Where is she?" He asked.

"Yes, and she's gone, but..... I said I wouldn't surrender or stand down. Then she went after Ava and I don't know how to wake her up."

"Ava's fine see, you just have to shake her and she'll wake up, watch." he went over to where Ava was. "Ava, Sweetie it's time to wake up." No sound or movement came from Ava. 

"Andrew, she's not going to wake up until Luka wakes her up," I said. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"That's impossible. Get Justin now," Andrew said, feeling Ava's pulse. I ran upstairs. 

"Justin, getcu up. Luka did something to Ava and she won't wake up now," I said in a panic. Justin shot up and disappeared. I ran back downstairs. Justin was sitting by Ava.

"What's happened?" Justin asked.

"She's not waking up," Andrew said. Ava's body jerked. Justin shook her.

"Luka did this?" Justin asked me. I nodded. "Crap. Only Luka can wake her up now. There's not much we can do but figure out why this happened and what she wants." Justin took a deep breath.

"She wants me to surrender or stand down, but I can't do that," I said.

"She also wants Ava but she turned down the offer." 

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