Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: The fact that this is on too should say something, loves.

Kain!” the twins said excitedly as they launched themselves through the air to tackle her. Said girl’s eyes widened and she promptly shut the sliding door just before they reached her. The twins both ran into the door. Kain smirked in triumph before she opened the door again and stepped around them.

“You two losers need to time yourselves a little better,” she stuck out her tongue at them. Haruhi gave her a smile as she sat down behind her. Kain smiled back a little before Haruhi went back to studying some random page in her notebook.

“Soooo, Kain,” Hikaru started, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. Kaoru came up on her other side and did the same.

“We were wondering,” Kaoru grinned at her. Her eyes turned to slits as she looked between the two. They were most definitely up to something.

“Just spit it out already,” she frowned impatiently. Kain had only been here for less than five minutes and they were already up to something. How she hated when they prolonged their antics.

Want to…” they start, leaning down to whisper in her ear. A smile bloomed on her face- it was most definitely not a sweet one at all.

“That is a total yes, you fucking geniuses!” she began to laugh maniacally. Haruhi looked over at the trio nervously and a tiny bit unsettled. That was not sounding good. She’ll have to ask her boisterous friend why she was laughing later.

The twins and Kain peeked out from behind the corner they had set as home base. They all wore matching devious grins. Down the hall was a certain blonde’s classroom. The three shared a look before Kain darted out, sprinting down the hall. She quickly stopped causing her to slide. Immediately, she began to barrel-roll to her destination, being the other end of the hall, just before class ended.

“Hey, Kyoya! Kyoya! Kyoya!” Tamaki shouted at Kyoya, trying to get his attention when he burst into the hall after him. “We’re going to be dressing in yutakas today, right?”

“Yes, we are. Why? Is this an issue?” he glanced back at his exuberant best friend, pushing up his glasses from the middle.

“No! Of course not! I was merely making sure, my dear fr-“ Tamaki stopped mid-sentence as he slipped on a banana peel. “AAAH!”

Now that the one of the twin’s job was completed, the remaining two- Kain and Hikaru- went into action. Both of them pulled out small spheres of paint bombs. Hikaru threw his first and they exploded with color, specifically blue and orange. Then it was Kain’s turn. She threw them down (you could say she threw them at Tamaki) while everyone was distracted and hightailed out of the hallway.

The aftermath of the paint left one hallway a rainbow-colored mess, two annoyed and victimized second year hosts, and three hysterical practical-jokers. All during their last class, the Prank Trio randomly burst into laughter at any mention of any object of color, which was unfortunate as they were going over colors in English, and made the teacher look at them quite disconcertingly. By the time the host club started, they had calmed themselves quite a bit; even though the occasional eye contact made them grin.

“Thank you, chickadees! Unfortunately it took me quite a while to figure how to put this on… And I’m not quite sure I know how to get it off…” Kain sighed and put on a childish pout for her guests. They all quickly jumped at the chance to offer their help him get out of it as they were all slightly rapid fangirls.

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