Chapter 2

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                                                                                 --Laurel's POV--

I got home from work much earlier than usual today. Our boss sent us all home, and wished us a Happy Losanand. Even though the holiday was exclusively celebrated by elves, the other creatures got to leave early as well. I knew I was supposed to pick Ian up from school soon, but I figured I had time to relax at home before I had to go get them.

I lingered on the thought of Ian. He didn't look to great this morning. His voice seemed hoarse, and his cough was pretty worrying, not to mention his periwinkle skin was a shade lighter. Even though I knew I had to trust his judgement, I was still uneasy. I had a brief flashback of Wilden, laying in a hospital bed. I shook off the idea. He probably just caught a bug, I assured myself. He'll be OK. Right?


When I pulled into the school parking lot, I was struck with a pang of concern. Ian, walking down the front steps of the school, looking weak, pale, and downright miserable. "Ian? Are you alright?" I asked trying to control my temper as I drove out of the parking lot. "Yeah-" Ian answered. He was cut short by a rattling fit of coughs. I couldn't help but notice how badly he was shivering.

We stopped at a red light, and I shot a sideways glance at Ian sitting next to me. His head was leaning against the window, and his eyes were scrunched shut. Concerned, I outstretched my hand to feel his head. I was relieved when he didn't object or flinch away, but all that relief soon faded away. "Ian, you're burning up." I stated, worry lacing my voice. He opened his eyes weakly. "I am?" He said in a empty, hoarse tone. "When we get home, I want you to take a warm shower, change, take a couple Aspirins and go straight to bed, am I clear?" I said as I turned into our neighborhood.

Ian must have felt pretty bad, because all he did in response was nod. I knew him well enough to know he hated sleeping during the day. 

"How long have you been feeling like this?" I asked, glancing at him as I pulled into our driveway. He didn't respond. He lifted his head off the window, grabbed his bag, and lethargically stepped out of the car. I followed, almost thinking he would fall with how weakly he was walking.

We both walked into the kitchen to see Barley fixing up 'dinner' for us in the kitchen. All I was able to smell was grease wafting through the house. Blazey immediately flung herself at Ian and I, missing me but barraging right into Ian's chest. He made a shaky gasp noise as he fell onto the floor, Blazey licking his face repeatedly.

I immediately became involved, rapidly lifting the small dragon off Ian before seeing if he was alright. I outstretched a hand, but he turned it down, taking a feeble breath before rising back to his feet and giving me a small smile. I watched, nervous, as he headed up the polished oak stairs. He turned the corner to his room, and he disappeared from view. I sighed, my arms crossed across my chest anxiously. 

Barley quickly interrupted my thoughts with a call. "Dinner has been prepared for Your Majesty!" he exclaimed before bowing in front of a bowl of slightly questionable stew. I sat down at the table reluctantly. "How is he?" Barley asked, nodding toward the the stairs. I stabbed my food. "He was shivering, and he seems to have a fever. His cough is the most worrying part though." Barley looked at me reassuringly. "He probably just has the flu or something. I'm positive he'll be a-okay by tomorrow.

I wanted to believe that, but something just didn't feel... right. Sure enough, we heard the shower turn off and see Ian walk out of the bathroom only to disappear back into his room. "Ian!" I called. "Yeah?" I heard him yell distantly. "Come here, I want to take your temperature." I said. "Hang on." he answered, I got up off my chair and went to the bathroom to get the thermometer. By the time I came back, I saw Ian standing there. He was still shaking pretty bad. "C'mere Ian." I said gently, leading him toward the kitchen and sitting on a chair. Barley glanced over and his face instantaneously displayed worry. He dropped his bowl to sit down next to Ian.

His normally blue complexion was pale, his eyes were shiny and bleary, and he was raked with chills. "Mom... can I just go back to bed?" His voice was so vulnerable it broke my motherly heart. Just let me take your temperature, OK? You can go right back to bed after that. Open up." I said, slightly wincing. Ian complied as I stuck the thermometer under his tongue. He sat there for a minute, and Barley brushed Ian's wet hair back, soothing him gently.

"101.3." I stated, taking the thermometer from his mouth. "Did you take the medicine?" I asked. He nodded. "Alright then, Ian, I guess you can head back upstairs." He didn't argue, and walked up the stairs, stopping only to cough, and entered his room once more.

I shook my head, the thought of his father dying in a hospital bed haunted my mind. "Should we call the doctor?" Barley asked, facial features slightly rigid. I sighed, dreading the thought. "I guess we'll see how he is tomorrow." Tomorrow.


Author's Note: By the way, thanks for all the views! It means a lot, being new to Wattpad and all. I will upload soon, so stay tuned Wolf Pack!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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