The Story of My New Career - A Short Story by @CynkNapp

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Some of the most interesting times of my life have happened on space stations with a high diversity of aliens.

I had just completed a run on my ship to deliver emergency medical supplies. I was coming back with contagion samples. The samples had been scanned by my ship's systems.

When I got word that the scans and supplies had been enough; I made a request to destroy the samples.

It was approved, and I headed to a space station. Having my ship serviced after a high priority run, gets me tax breaks. I had pushed it pretty hard.

I also felt beat up. My skin was losing its translucent grey quality. At the station, I got a good shower and some nice shut eye.

When I felt back up to it; I checked out the station dating systems. I found the most adorable looking girl on the list. She had no recorded dates.

She responded right away, and we arranged to meet at a place I knew (mostly two people seating and quiet enough to hold a conversation).

She was there when I got there. Even more amazing in person. Nearly transparent with a glow that was a bit like an ascendant being. She clearly had a surface sheen, which ascendant's do not have.

We got drinks and appetizers ordered. I found her quite captivating, so leaned in a bit. She also leaned in, and made her entire body a shiny ebony.

With really just me to see, she made the front of her body transparent. Following with waves of white, yellow, and orange against the black backdrop. I was floored, so amazing. It then shifted to a deep dark red that was a shape that became more complex. A heart that grew in detail to show blood flow.

She suddenly stopped and apologized 'Oh I am sorry. Organ representation during meals is frowned upon. I became lost in your joyful reaction. It was many 'older sisters' ago that we found rare beings that react with hearbeats out of joy.'

I assured her 'Oh. I am quite fine. You are an artist. I have never seen a graceful display anything like that.'

We both were surprised when a silver sphere appeared at our table. The sphere faded to reveal a smaller sphere and small dot.

She put her finger on the small dot and said 'Oh older sister. Say, Uhm. Could I ask you to touch the sphere in unison with me?'

When we did, I saw two white energy fields rise. The one closest to me quickly formed into winged little person (it looked like me a bit and I was distracted by the wry expression).

The other energy field wavered for quite while. Getting big, then becoming segmented; it eventually looked like her.

Both little beings flying and showing an affectionate closeness.

My attention was on my date, but the room became quiet. They were something to see. The cute-peds I had heard about.

She then looked perhaps nervous 'I have to ask a favor. You have a spaceship, right? I have to visit my big sister. Will you take me to her?'

It was going to be an hour till my ship would be ready. We left the dining area and she showed me the station viewing window and other features. The little cupids nearby, showing nice interactions and appreciations to each other.

The lovely date gave me another light show. She did caution me that it was not advised to touch. She and her sisters were still developing control. A touch might prove caustic if her attention were disrupted.

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