Do you really know me

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Do you know who i really am Not just the happy smiley me who is your sex slave do you know who i am Do you know the me that is afraid of her dad do you know the me that looks at herself and doesnt see the skinny girl that starved herself for almost two years and doesnt want to tell her parents because her voice will go unheard you know the girl that will never get therapy because she knows she wont get it you know the girl that diesnt like crying or screaming for help because she gets fun of because of her dad you know the girl that hates talking about her problems because people relate to them than actually helping her Do you know the girl that only goes for guys that abuse her because she doesnt know what love is do you know the girl that has anxiety but doesnt talk about it because people just relate to it now instead of looking at me who is the point of killing herself because no one notices how i went from the cheery smiley fat kid to the depressed pissed off skinny kid do you know the girl that has no safe space the kitchen no destroyed because my parents and brother take that away from me the woods my brother follows me my room my dad makes fun of me for going in there the bathroom no its taken away because dad makes fun of me for it but i got to have one theres more to me than you know.

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