April 25, 2020

31 3 0

I have no words. I have can't think straight. I mean that I claimed myself as a Bisexual polyamorous person. Now see I have said person. Because I don't know my gender. See I am born a girl but here's the thing. I have always liked long hair, I liked a pretty eyeshadow every now and then, but I don't like dresses I think me doing my nails so a waste of time. And if I ever did my nails they never lasted I would bite them off. I never liked wearing heels. I like chains and guys shirts and messy foods like a guy would. I have never worn a purse I've tried to but never really had a reason to all I carry is my keys my phone and my wallet I don't need anything else. I havent really thought about gender when thinking about the LGBTQ+ or anything else. Like I have always identified myself as a girl but like never felt like one. I have more guy friends then I could ever ask for. My parents always gave me pink stuff my room is pink for Satan's sakes but I like the color blue more. I never wanted all the girly stuff. I liked nerf guns more that barbies. But as soon as I talk to any of my family about this they will make fun of the group. For example my dad was talking about how it was ridiculous how people believe there is people who think they have no gender and I said they are called nonbinary people dad and he laughed at me. I told my dad that I didn't believe in god and we were talking about Corona virus and what we think the reason behind it was and he said God was the reason behind this Viris and I said I think the world is healing itself. Which is technically true but he thought I was to embarrassed to say God and I can't say anything. I am an atheist because in other religions you have a way of contacting other gods with a quick reaction. With God you pray for a person to get better and then they magically get better? No I don't believe that I believe that they got better with tylenol and other medicines to you know fight the virus. When a person dies the preacher at church are like oh we tried our best. First of all I think half that church fucking repented for there sins and had sex before bed Saturday night. I know the grammar is bad but this is just for me to vent and get stuff off my chest. So the next time I get a GrAmMaR fucking comment on the book that i made 2 fucking years ago I'mma quit.

Thank you

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