Secrets Revealed

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Trevor arrives at Michael's house and bangs on the door. Michael finished his cigar and walked to his door to let Trevor in. 

"So Mikey! Whatcha got planned tonight? A bank robbery? I brought the masks! OH! Maybe a night on the town,  rampage on some gangs? Or you just trying to get shit faced? Either way, I'm fucking READY!" Trevor says as he reveals his bag of black ski masks, guns, and liquor.

"Actually T, none of those, I just wanted to talk.." Michael sighs as he sits on his couch and pats the seat next to him so Trevor could sit down.

"Uh, sure okay?" Trevor says confused as he puts down his bag and sat next to Michael. He felt a little uneasy since he didn't know where he stood with Michael plus what the hell could be so important to talk about at damn near 2am. "What's going on?"

"Trev..I just wanted to say I'm sorry--Now look, I know you have 10 years of venting to do and 10 years worth of stabbing to my body you want to do but please, I just want you to hear me out. I fucked up, I fucked you over. I fucked up with my life, with my family, and you. You're a crazy, sick, deranged, motherfucker but you have always been loyal to me and you deserve to have a better friend than me and a better life style. I've lied to you, I was selfish in my past and still kind of am but I am trying to change for the better.." Michael sighs and takes out a large chunk of cash from the last heist, "I want you to have it. It ain't going to make up for old times but shit I had a family, I wanted this perfect lifestyle. I had it all T, but my reality wasn't a dream, it was a fucking nightmare. Sometimes I think what would of happened if I wasn't such a selfish fucking sellout." Michael stops venting for a bit and notices Trevor heavily listening. "I missed you T, there wasn't a day where I didn't think about you and where I didn't regret what I did.."

Trevor looked into Michael's eyes to see if Michael truly meant what he said or if this was one of his many lies. From the looks of it, he seemed to truly regret his actions and was being sincere about the apology. There was two thoughts that Trevor had in mind, which was to yell at him or to forgive him. He continued looking at Michael, trying to read him and his mind. Trevor was always going to feel the hurt of his best friend faking his death and lying to him for the past 10 years but he had to come to his senses. Trevor remembered that since Amanda came along and the kids, Michael had become soft and was going to team up with Brad anyways but he did not know if he can forgive Michael so soon. Trevor looked into Michael's eyes and had a long silence. 

"Apology accepted." Trevor said stiffly, wanting to say more but couldn't think of a way to say it. As much as he wanted to give Michael a hard time, he didn't have it in him right now. "Um, is that all?" Trevor asks trying to derail the conversation. He felt awkward talking about it, he just forgave the person who stabbed him in the back, usually he would kill anyone who even gave him a dirty look.

Michael grabbed his cigar and gave one to Trevor, "Yup. That was all, I really needed to get it off my chest. And uh, in case you're wondering, it's just Jimmy and I for a bit, Amanda moved out and so did Tracey." 

"I see.." Trevor says as he refuses the cigar and takes it out of Michael's hand and stomps on it, "These are going to kill you quicker than me, Mikey. Knock it off."

Michael rolls his eyes, "Yeah whatever, anyways, since you're here, do you want to do guy stuff? Maybe do some night tennis or watch movies?" 

"You call that guy stuff? Pfft, okay, while you do that shit I'm going to get myself drunk since there's nothing else to do here that's FUN!" Trevor teases as he gets out his liquor from the bag and starts downing bottles.

"Whatever, fucking meth head." Michael facepalms as he watches t.v.

Trevor ends up drinking the entire pack of alcohol by himself and passing out in front of the T.V where Michael was watching a classic movie. After the movie finished, he was about to head to bed until he saw Trevor laying on the floor peacefully. He was just going to let Trevor lay there but he lifted Trevor up and laid him on the couch, tucking him in with a light blanket. This was one of those rare times where Trevor actually looked like a sane person and that opportunity doesn't happen often. He went into his bedroom to get some sleep after having a long day.

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