Hallow Vengence

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The next morning, Trevor and Michael wake up next to each other, with Trevor spooning Michael.

"Good morning sugar tits." Trevor teases.

"You got a reason for spooning me, acid cock?" Michael jokes.

"Well, was there a reason why you wanted to kiss me last night?" Trevor laughs.

Michael turns around and looks at Trevor, "I was drunk. You were drunk."

"We were..But yet, here we are." Trevor smirks.

"Maybe you want to kiss me." Michael teases.

"And if I do?" Trevor smirks.

"Then..Maybe you should.." Michael smirks back.

They begins to lean closer to eachother but then Michael's phone rang.

"It's Franklin. I gotta take it." Michael says as he answers the phone, "Hello?"


"Woah woah woah. What happened?!" Michael asks as he puts Franklin on speaker.

"I was out here walking Chop, next thing you know he's playing dead permanently! I know it had to be that fool because he and Amanda weren't here like usual AND Friedlander came to my crib last night talking weird shit saying he was gonna come after me and Trevor if you don't give him and Amanda some money." Franklin explains on the phone.

"Hmm. Interesting. Well, now I aint got no house to live in! I'm here staying with Trev in his trailer. Jimmy is the one who told us the house burnt down and one of my maids got burned to death!" Michael says on the phone.

"I been talking to Lamar..We should clap them. More people are gonna get hurt." Franklin says on the phone.

"No Franklin we cant do that. We need to do things right. We can't go off killing people again." Michael says.

"Alright dawg, but if one more motherfucker gets clapped, I'm clapping back. Chop was me and Lamar's little homie. And you don't mess with homies." Franklin says right before he hangs up.

"Trev.. I don't know what to do. I want to kill this guy, but.. I don't want to go back to that lifestyle." Michael sighs.

"Listen Mikey, it seems like regardless of what you do, you're stuck. Franklin lost his dog, you lost your house. These are perfect reasons why you should clap him. But it's up to you. It's either they get your money from you or they get your money another way." Trevor shrugs.

"Ugh..You're right. It's time to clap this guy." Michael says as he gets up from the bed and starts looking through Trevor's closet. "Where do you keep your masks?"

"Right here amigo." Trevor smirks as he looks under his bed and lays out a pile of masks.

"Where you two going? Please nothing dangerous. You promised you were done with that life." Jimmy asks before they left.

"We have one last job. Jimmy, stay here and be trailer watch. DON'T SMOKE ANY METH!" Michael says as he leaves the trailer with Trevor and gets into the truck. Trevor drives off to Los Santos.

Trevor and Michael get into Trevor's truck and begins to drive back to Los Santos. 

Michael calls Franklin again, "Hey Frank, I'm with T..Look, you're right. They burnt down my house, ran over your dog..Who knows what else is next? We're going to go to his office to pay him a goodbye visit. You coming?" 

"That's all you had to say. Meet you outside of Friedlander's office." Franklin says as he hangs up.

"It's one thing to mess with my money and my house..But Franklin is my boy. He's the son I never had, if someone hurts him, then I will hurt them." Michael says defensively.

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