Tony's first day(Chapter 3)

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(Ok as i re-read this I figured some things might be confusing, Tony went to school in 8-3 pm so Tony went to school for 8 hours, and Tony is in 7th grade. Please tell me if something doesn't make sense!)

(Everything is a flashback, and Tony is explaining his day to Rudy. I'll just tell you when the flashback is over)

(Tony's POV)

Tony ran to a street and searched up his school's name, it was an about a hour walk and at least 10 minute drive. He figured he couldn't risk it and ran to his house, when he got there saw his dad
"Hey kiddo! C'mon we gotta get you to school!" His dad smiled at him, Tony nodded and hopped in the front seat "So... Where'd you go this early in the morning?" Mr. Thompson asked his Son as he drives out the yard "I just went over to Rudolf's house - nothing serious.." Tony replied to his father. He looked out the window and leaned on the door, he turned on the radio and listened to the music, 3 minutes go by and he hears something about a backpack, Tony looked behind his seat and under
"Dad go back to the house!?!" He yelled in panic, Mr. Thompson flinched away from Tony "-Gah!! What!? Why!?" He yelled back trying to focus on the road
"I forgot my backpack!!" He yelled in panic "What!? FFF- ughh!! Hold on!" Mr. Thompson groaned as he drove back to his house "Hey kiddo..." Mr. Thompson whispered to his son "How about we not tell mom about this?" He asked. Tony nodded "Agreed"

As the father and son walk in the school's office Tony gets more and more nervous every second, he looked at the clock and watched it carefully feeling like time slowed down. He was so focused he only heard mumbles from the talk his new principal and father.
"-ey You ok with that Tony?" He felt a nudge and snapped back into reality "- sorry what?" He asked, the principal laughed "oh it's alright, just first day jitters right?" Tony nodded and smiled awkwardly "I just asked if it was ok if you got an older version of our school's chromebook? We have a new one for you but you'll have to wait atleast 3 weeks for it to arrive" the principal fixed his posture
"Oh- yeah that's cool with me" he said a quietly. The principal smiled and stood up along with his father "Alright- your 2nd period is just starting.. How about we send you over there?" The principal asked, but it was more like a command really. Tony nodded and put on his backpack, they walk over to the halls and the principal walked his to his class, the sign above it said "Home Ec" they stopped at the door and his principal gave him his schedule along with his locker information. When he walked in he tried to be unnoticed but that didn't work because the whole room had eyes on him "Uh.." Tony tried to not look at anybody and walked to the teacher "Hi- "
"You're the new student? Yeah i know! Welcome! You're American right?" The teacher asked, He nodded "Yes i am"
"That's very cool! Anyway let's say hi to my Class! You can call me Mrs.Becker" she smiled, she put him in the front of the class and smiled "Class this is our new student Tony Thompson - Tony please introduce yourself " she said smiling gently, Tony breathed slowly "H-Hi, I'm Tony. I like -" he stopped himself 'shit.. I can't tell them i like vampire's... that'd be weird and last time I made that mistake... gahhh let's just say something else..' he thought
He took a deep breath and smiled brightly "-Comics and scary films!" He didn't notice that the whole class was blushing (yes they all think he's cute, even the boys😏) the teacher clapped "Alright! You can go sit down at a seat and we'll start our lesson for the day" Tony nodded and looked around the class, he saw a boy waving him over and smiling brightly. Tony felt surprised and walked over.

"Hello! Tony right? Nice to meet you" The unknown boy took out his hand as tony sat down "Nice to meet you too! And you aarree?" Tony shook his hand and smiled
"Anton wolf - where are you from?" Anton smiled at Tony
"I'm from San Diego, America. And you?- ugg.. Don't answer that.." he blushed 'He's from here! God dammit Thompson just think for once..' he sighed. Anton laughed and looked at his eyes locking them "Haha! You're funny American" he pokes Tony's arm "i've been here since i was born" he said softly. Tony rose his head and smiled "cool.."

He spent the rest of the class talking to anton, after class he had music. Turns put Anton had the 'same class' too, as he walked down the hall with his new found friend he noticed he got a lot of looks. He didn't know whether they were good or bad so he just shrugged it off 'It's because i'm new that's it' he thought. When he got to class he quickly sat down and tried not to look like a black sheep. As the class settled down the teacher called attendance when it go to Tony's name he only got some attention before the teacher noticed that Anton was in the wrong class
"Oop! Looks like i have to go American" he chuckled as he quickly left the room. Tony was shocked, not long after a boy scooted closer to Tony and started making small talk, it seemed like they were already friends
"Was it always so easy to make friends?? " his classes seemed to pass by quickly snd made friends quickly too.


"Wait what's so difficult about making friends?" Rudy asked
"Well..." Tony had to think of a way to explain this, without making Rudy misunderstand
"When humans make friends it's a bit difficult.. When you force it, it would most likely not happen. Most of the time it just happens naturally, before I moved here I didn't really have many friends. Only acquaintances. It was to get along with people because.."  Tony couldn't tell Rudy that he didn't have much friends because he loved vampires
"Because?" Rudy leaned over nudging Tony's shoulder
"Uh.. Because we just didn't agree on things- that's all" he smiled softly
"That's all? Geez humans are so strange" Rudy crossed his arms.
After an hour or two of talking each other's ears off Tony had to go home.

As Tony waved goodbye he for some reason thought about Anton
"It was pretty funny how he just went in the wrong Classroom and just went up and left" he giggled "Anton's pretty cool, and cute-" Tony blushed and shook his head "Cute? No! Just cool" he said to him self. When he got to his room he passed out on his bed.  The only thought on his mind was "School's gonna be fun"

(Sorry the chapters a bit boring!! I made his pretty late and wanted to get it over with. Thanks for reading!!)

The little Vampire 3D-Tony Thompson x Rudolf Sackville-Bagg love storyWhere stories live. Discover now